

【作者】 曹伟

【导师】 张玉敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 一、本文所研究的问题 域名是网络时代的门牌号码,中国人讲究“名不正则言不顺”,因而围绕域名的纠纷数量激增。加强域名保护的呼声不绝于耳,但学术界对域名涉及的诸多问题缺乏具有说服力的通说。本文希望通过一孔之见,为域名研究引向深入做出自己的贡献。 二、本文的内容 本文分为六个部分。第一部分首先介绍了因特网和域名的起源,域名因其需要符合一定的技术规范而具有绝对的唯一性;为此,本部分在介绍域名的起源时,详细介绍了域名的技术分类和构成。 第二部分,主要介绍域名所兼有的地址和标示功能,并针对目前学术界对这两种功能的不同理解提出了自己的看法:应当综合理解域名的功能,不能片面地强调域名的某一方面功能。 第三部分简要介绍了域名的价值,为下文分析域名争议埋下伏笔。 第四部分对域名的取得和丧失进行了探讨,并结合最高人民法院发布的《关于审理涉及计算机网络域名民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,在传统的注册取得方式之外,补充了域名的判决取得。相应的,在域名的丧失中,也同样存在域名的判决撤销。 第五部分是本文的重点,这一部分针对当前关于域名权的争论进行了深入的研究。首先肯定了独立的域名权的存在价值,进而详细分析了域名权的内容,指出域名的权能包括对域名的使用、收益和处分。域名的使用权目前尚没有引起充分重视,对此的理解也似是而非。为此,本文专门分析了域名使用的三种形式:善意使用、独占使用和非实质使用。而在域名的收益权中,对中国现行域名注册体制禁止域名的转让提出了批评。 关于域名权的性质,学术界存在很大的分歧;学术观点林林种种,具有代表性的有商誉说、电子商标说等好几种。本文分别剖析了这些理论的缺失,指出这些理论均未能充分揭示域名权的权利属性。继而从知识产权的概念和特征出发,分析了域名权的知识产权属性,认为域名权作为一种网络时代新出现的权利,仍应纳入知识产权的范畴。当然,域名权突破了 K$ A#PWHK传统知识产权的诸多限制Z 因此,本文专门论述了域名权的敝,并就域名权的技术性、地域性、时间性和专有性进行了辨析。 本文在第六部分对域名争议以及域名争议背后的权利冲突进行了探讨。这个部分首先分析了域名争贮生的原因;指出在现有体制下;域名争议的产生是必然的。仅仅看到域名争议的产生是不够的,要解决域名的争议,必须分析它背后隐藏的权利冲突。 在域名涉及的湘u冲突中,很多人主张腕括商标权在内的在先邮u自然账到域名领域,试图以此来一劳稠的解决域名争议问题。针对这种提法,本文指出,在先邮u的界限应当是有限的,任何在先树U都不能无限制的蝴。在这样的前提下,域名抢注本身不应简单视为违法行为;善意的注册就应当受到保护。当然,恶意抢注仍应受到法律的否定,但判定“恶意”的标准何在?本文结胭·内外的立法实践;提出了可供醉的标准。 驰名商标的网俄护一直是热点;同时也是难点。驰名商标由于其上附有商标揪较高的商誉,因而在现实生活中受到各国法律的特跪护,这已经为大家所公认。本文首先分析了驰名商标的反淡化理论,并指出应将对鹏商标的保护娜到网络这一虚拟空问。但是,出于对发达国家利用驰名商标体制压制发展中国家竞争的担,乙,本文指出对驰名商标在网上的涨保护同样应当注意利益的平衡,这种渺保护应当受到一定的限制,宜将酗保护的范围限定在“.corn”等商业域名中,从而适当保护域名注册人的权利。 域名权人是否能够依据其域名权禁止他人注册近似域名或进行其他蝴?跟本文所力图解决的最后一个问题。本文在贼域名权的禁用权能时,分出两种情况例U加以说明:一方面,域名权的技术性铡决定了相似的域名之问不能彼此排斥;另一方面,域名权作为在先邮u的一种。其树从对恶意娜其域名的行为享有禁止的权利。域名权的荆申保护同样也应受到一定的限制,具贱现为禁用权的行使需要符合一定的条件;本文的最后总结了四个考虑因素以期能够厘清禁用权的使用条件。

【Abstract】 Domain name, to some extent, is the address of an enterprise, which is used on line. As the Chinese tradition pays much attention to the name of the entity, almost every company wants to have an excellent domain name used to symbolize itself in the internet. Nowadays, the value of the domain name becomes to be of more and more importance, and the dispute concerning the domain name also becomes more and more popular. It is in bad need to study the legal issue about the domain name, and the judiciary calls on the practicable theory to direct its work. But the scholars have different views on the domain name, yet every one of these views proposed so far is not so-,convincing. This thesis is trying to give a full-scale glimpse on the legal issue concerning the domain name, and this writer wishes his work could improve the research of the domain name.This thesis includes six parts totally. Part I introduces the origin of the internet and the domain name. Since the technology rules have the overriding impress to establish the domain name, this part also makes a detailed report on the domain name system in the technology aspect.Part II analyses the function possessed by the domain name, which includes two fundamental elements, i.e., the function of address and the function of indication. This part also provides some different opinions to the argument about the function of the domain name.Part III evaluates the business merit of the domain name briefly and makes it clear why there are so many disputes about the domain name.Part IV introduces the gain and loss of the domain name by the theory combined with judicial practice, especially directed by the judiciary explanation set out recently.Part V analyses the controversy on the domain name right as some experts think that there is no independent right existing on the domain name. And they argued that even if there is a so-called domain name right, this right is not one of the intellectual property rights. This writerholds that it is necessary to establish the domain name right and make a detailed statement on the content of the domain name right, which includes the right to utilize, benefit and dispose. Then the features in the utilization for the domain name right are figured out and in the discuss about the right to make profit by using the domain name, this thesis criticizes the provision that no permission would be granted to the transaction of domain name, which is provided in the rule of domain name establishment set forth by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).The scholar’s opinions diverge from each other on the nature of the domain name right, some of them treat the right as part of trade mark right or business credit. Part V also analyses these theories and reveals its nature in intellectual property field. Then a conclusion is inducted that the domain name right should be a new part of intellectual property right as the internet has been greatly changing our society from time to time and from place to place.Part VI pays attention to the conflict of interests on the domain name dispute. This writer deems that the domain name dispute is inevitable regulated by the existing rules and new ways to solve this problem should be found. The previous rights would affect the later ones under definite conditions and to extend protection of the previous rights without any restriction would result in tampering of due right holder. The trade mark is very similar to the domain name, but even the famous trade mark shouldn’t have any privilege against the establishment of a similar domain name.Another question is then brought forward that whether the owner of the domain name right could prevent other persons to register similar domain names. The last part of this article discusses the prohibition power which could be enforced under certain circumstances and make it clear that enforcement of the prohibition power should meet some standards given at the end of this thesis.

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