

【作者】 王洪友

【导师】 林刚;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 农地权利结构是指存在于农业用地上的权利配置状况。土地法律制度的核心和本质,就是土地权利的配置,土地法律制度的任务,就是如何科学合理地配置土地权利。土地权利法制不仅是一个法律问题,同时还是一个经济问题甚至政治问题。中国目前的基本国情之一便是农业人口居全国人口的绝大多数,农业用地在很大程度上发挥着农业人口的基本社会保障功能,同时,农业在国家整个产业结构中居于基础性地位,所以农地权利结构的设计问题是一个关系国家长治久安的重大问题。然而,现实中却出现了大量的非正常现象,包括农地所有权的行使代表即农村基层官员与使用权人争权夺利和滥用职权侵犯农地使用人利益等等。在权利受到侵害后,农地使用人缺乏有效的法律武器维护自己的合法利益,法院也感缺乏明确的规定可供适用。这些现象的出现,有现实的原因,也有历史的原因。其历史原因就在于中国现行的农地权利结构是一种非理性的产物,缺乏必要的理论基础和科学的制度设计。其现实的原因就在于我国目前的农地权利结构本身存在严重缺陷。我国目前的农地权利配置的基本结构是:集体所有,农民使用。解构现行农地权利结构,我们可以发现,在所有权层面,其最大的缺陷是权利主体虚位,也就是说,农地集体所有权没有明确的权利载体。从法律规定分析,“集体所有”实际上是“国家所有”,从现实运作分析,“集体所有”是少数基层官员的私人所有。这是现实问题产生的根源所在。在使用权层面,现行农地承包经营权虽然因其本身具有物权的本质特征和非常近似传统民法中的永佃权而具有物权性,但是,由于其内涵不清,外延不明,权利内容也缺乏具体和充分的规定,因此它的效力非常弱小,不能得到法律应有的保护。这是产生现实问题的重要原因。克服这些问题的方法是对我国农地权利结构作出全新设计即进行重构。但是,已有之相关理论及目前的两种有代表性的立法模式均存在不同程度的不足。它们或回避清晰界定农地权利结构,或表述模糊,或赋权不充分,或考虑不周全等。鉴于前述分析,本文认为,必须对我国现行农地权利结构进行重构。新制度的设计,必须兼具现实性与前瞻性、继承性与创造性。新制度的运作,必须同求保护农地资源、保护农地使用人利益和培育农地流转市场几大目的。新制度应该既认可现实又引导和改造现实,总体思路髓实行国有民用。具体言之,在所有蛆面,应当取消农地集体所有权,但为维护公有制,可实行抛的概括国有化;懈赃面,赋予农地使月人充分的接娜有权的栅q内容,包括蛐娜权的自由转让、出租、继承、抛弃以及物上请求权等,同时建立一整套关于农地使月权的取得、变更和消灭的制度,以规范农地使月权的流转行为,维护正常的流转鹏、培育健康的蛐流转市场。

【Abstract】 The structure of the rights of rural land" means the way of how the rights of rural land is designed, whose core is the allotment of the related rights . It is always true that the legal system of rural land relates not only with the law but also with the economic and political status of a state. Nowadays, the majority of the population of China is mainly farmers and the agriculture plays an essential role in the economic development in China. Therefore, whether the structure of rights of rural is reasonable or not is such an important problem that no one can neglect it. It is the shortcomings of the whole system, not the character of the rights of rural land that makes so many abnormal phenomena occur. The present structure of the rights of rural land in China is that the rural land is owned by the collective and used by the peasant, which resulted from the irrationality in history and lacked the necessary theoretical bases and institutional design. Analyzing structure of the rights of rural land, we can find out that the worst defect in the ownership is the absence of the owner. In the light of the law, the "collective ownership" is, in fact, the "state ownership", and in practice, the "collective ownership" is the private ownership by a few cadres at the basic level, which is the main cause of the present problems. In the light of rights of use, the contracted management rights of rural land is vague in connotation and ambiguous in extension, which is an important cause of the present problems. In order to overcome these problems, a new structure of the rights of rural land must be designed. However, there are some shortcomings in the related theories and in the two representative legislation model. For this reason, the forthcoming institution has to take into account the circumstances of the present and the future. In addition, this institution must be designed with the purpose of protectingrural land resource, the users of the rural land and fostering the market of land. From the author’s point of view, therefore, the collective ownership should be abolished and the rural land should be nationalized, and the substantive rights inherent in the ownership, including the right to transfer, the right to lease, the right to succeed and the right to abandon, should be bestowed on the user of the rural land.

  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】177