

The Research on the Vocabulary of the Overseas Chinese Teaching Materials

【作者】 蔡丽

【导师】 贾益民;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选取了大陆编写、台湾编写、中国与海外华校合编以及海外自编的六套供海外适龄儿童使用的华语教材作为研究对象,建立了由这六套教材全部生词构成的数据库。文章从量和质两大方面入手,对六套教材的选词及生词编排情况进行了全方位的考察,通过对比各套教材在词汇选编上的异同点,总结了六套教材在词汇编写上的特点及规律,对各套教材的优劣之处作了适当评价。在此基础上,提出了自己对华语教材词汇编写的建议: 首先,在教材词汇“量”的方面,认为从目前的教学现状来看,海外华语教材的词汇量应大致控制在2000-3000词的范围内,具体数量应结合教材使用地区的学制形式确定;要注意合理安排各词类的数量比例,以名词、动词、形容词三大词类为主,同时兼顾其他词类;要合理安排教材各年级、各册之间量的分布比例,级册之间生词的增长量应与学生的学习、接受能力的增长相协调。 第二,在“质”的方面,认为教材中必须收入足够数量的基础词汇,基础词汇的编写可参考《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中的词汇等级、词的使用频率、音节情况、语义类别等因素;可根据文化教学的需要、教材使用地区和使用对象的实际情况、教材编写的需要等适当收入一些非常用性词汇,但应严格控制这类词在教材中的比例;注意生词的复现,复现生词的比例不宜低于全部生词的60%;生词编排应有其自身的原则,同时尽量与课文及语法点的编排相互协调。

【Abstract】 Based on six sets of overseas Chinese teaching materials which are compiled respectively by China’s mainland,Taiwan, China in collaboration with overseas Chinese schools as well as the overseas Chinese schools,this paper sets up a database containing all the vocabulary of the six sets of Chinese teaching materials.In the paper, through comprehensively study of the vocabulary and the arrangement in the teaching materials,the author analyzes the similarities and differences of these teaching materials on selecting and arranging the vocabulary,and furtherly points out the defects of the arrangement and summarizes the rules of the vocabulary arrangement of the six sets of overseas Chinese teaching materials.On the research results,the author puts forward some suggestions on how to arrange vocabulary in Chinese teaching materials used overseas:Firstly,on the aspect of quantity .the editor should decide the quantity of the selecting words and phrases in the light of the school system of the area in which the teaching materials will be used. According to the present teaching situation, the quantity of vocabulary of the Chinese teaching materials used in overseas should be controlled within two thousand to three thousand. The parts of speech should be arranged more rationally with noun,verb and adjective as the main parts of speech,and containing other kinds of parts of speech at the same time.The distribution ratio of vocabulary between different grades and volumes should be arranged more rationally, the increasing extent between grades and volumes should harmonizes with the students’ capability of learning and accepting,Secondly,on the aspect of quality, there should include enough basic vocabulary in the overseas Chinese teaching materials.As to the problem of choosing basic vocabulary.the editor can refer to the word’s rank in the General Outline of Chinese Level Vocabulary and Chinese Word’s Rankjhe use frequency of words,the syllable condition and the word’s meaning.Some unusual words can be choosed with a controlled ratio according to certain rules.More than 60 percent of the vocabulary should appear several times in the textbook.The arrangement of vocabulary should have its law.and harmonize with the arrangement of texts and grammer points.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】H195.4
  • 【被引频次】105
  • 【下载频次】2710