

A Research on Human Resources Problems in Yunnan Private Enterprises

【作者】 刘银花

【导师】 张明举; 姜法奎;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国加入WTO之际,云南私营企业面临着一个新的历史机遇。抓住机遇的关键是能否找到一个冲破制约云南私营企业发展因素的突破口,而这个突破口就是人力资源。 本文就云南私营企业发展中的人力资源问题进行了探讨,并根据存在的问题提出了解决的基本途径。全文分为四个部分,第一部分阐述了人力资源作为现代企业经营要素中具有决定性、最活跃的资源对云南私营企业的重要意义。第二部分是本文的重点,该部分主要阐述了云南私营企业发展的特点,以及根据调查获取的资料,分析了云南私营企业在发展中存在的人力资源问题:从业人员素质低、资源基础差;人力资源的配置不合理;对人力资源的管理仍然停留在人事管理阶段;人力资源的使用效率不高,激励效果差;只注重培训,不注重对人力资源的开发等问题,最终归结为云南私营企业人力资源诸多问题的存在,主要是没有建立起科学的人力资源开发与管理体系,使私营企业对人力资源的管理呈现出短期性、盲目性、随意性的特征。第三个部分重点阐述了为什么人力资源问题的解决是云南私营企业突破诸多制约因素,获得发展的现实选择。第四部分简述了建立现代人力资源开发与管理体系,是解决云南私营企业人力资源问题的主要途径,这一部分主要从建立与完善人力资源管理的基础,做好人力资源的配置工作、提高人力资源的配置效率,采用MBO法、对绩效实施全面管理,重新构建报酬体系、增强激励效果、稳定员工队伍和加大人力资源开发力度,挖掘员工潜力等五个方面加以讨论。

【Abstract】 Yunnan private enterprises face a new historical opportunity while china has become a formal member of WTO. The key to catch this opportunity is to find a way to break the factors that hinder its development, And the breakthrough is human resources.This article not only discusses human resources problems encountered by yunnan private enterprises with its development, but also puts forward basic methods to resolve those problems. This article consists of four parts. Part one illustrates the importance of human resources for the private enterprises as the most determinative and most active resources among modern enterprises operating resources. Part two is the key part of this article and ij; mainly points out the characteristics of yunnan private enterprises development, Then analyzing human resources problems according to the survey, Such as lower quality of the staff, Lower base of human resources, Irrational distribution of human resources, Management of human resources still on the stage of personnal management, Lower efficiency of human resources utility, Invalidity of incentives, Only focusing on training but not on developing human resources. The existing of these problems is mainly because there is not a scientific system of human resources development and management and subsequently human resources management in private enterprises appear characteristics of riearsightedness, Blindness and randomness. Part three focuses on illustrating why resolving ofhuman resources problems is the realistic way of yunnan private enterprises to brake many restrictions and to get development. Part four points out that the main way to resolve the problems of human resources of yunnan private enterprises is to establish a modern system of human resouces exploring and managing. This part discusses five relevant respects: Establishing and perfecting the base of human resources, working well at human resources distribution so as to promote the distribution efficiency, Adopting MBO methods sop as to execute overall management over the performance, Restructuring reward system to enhance the effect of incentive, Stabling the team members, Developing deeply the human resources, Tapping the latent power of the staff, and so on.

【关键词】 私营企业人力资源云南
【Key words】 Private enterprisesHuman resourcesYunnan
  • 【分类号】F279.245
  • 【下载频次】306