

A Case Study on Teacher-child Relations in City Kindergartens in Mianyang

【作者】 邓艳

【导师】 杨晓萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 师幼关系是教师与幼儿在共同的教育、教学活动之中,通过相互的认知、情感和交往而形成的一种人际关系。 师幼关系的研究,有重大的理论及实践价值。从理论上讲,师幼关系的研究,有助于幼儿教学理论生成与发展;对幼儿人格特征的形成、发展起决定作用;有助于认识幼儿教育、教学研究的本质。从实践上讲,师幼关系的研究,有助于幼儿自身的发展;也有助于教师观念的转变、幼儿园教育职能的转变。但在幼儿园现实教育中,教师以权威者的角色来管理幼儿,不能真正与幼儿平等对话;重视知识的传递,强调维护既存规则,权威思想左右着教师对待幼儿的态度。基于此,笔者通过研究,剖析了目前绵阳市城市幼儿园师幼关系的状况,并对其特征进行了分析,进而提出了建立良好师幼关系的对策。 全文主要分成四大部分: 第一部分:问题的提出 包括本课题研究的理论价值和实践意义;本课题研究采用的方法和研究思路。 第二部分:绵阳市城市幼儿园师幼关系的现状研究 包括教师、幼儿开启的师幼关系事件主题:绵阳市城市幼儿园师幼关系类型分布;绵阳市城市幼儿园师幼关系基本特征等问题的研究。 第三部分:绵阳市城市幼儿园师幼关系现状成因分析 从文化的传承、教师教育理念的影响和社会因素的影响等方面进行了分析。 第四部分:建立良好师幼关系的对策 提出了树立正确的儿童观、正确认识教育中的控制因素、提高幼儿教师素质等对策来改善师幼关系。

【Abstract】 Teacher-child relations are the interpersonal relationships between teachers and children formed through reciprocal cognition, emotions and contacts in the course of joint teaching activities. The study of teacher-child relationship is of great value both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is the basis of the formation and development of pre-school education theories; it plays a decisive role in the formation and development of children’s personalities; What’s more, it helps us to understand the nature of the research into pre-school educational. Practically, the study will help to promote children’s self-development, change teachers’ ideas, and transform the educational functions of kindergartens. However, in the present kindergarten education, teachers always regard themselves as authorities to children and can’t have equal dialogues with children. They attach more importance to the transmission of knowledge to children and defend existing regulations. Their attitudes to children are deeply influenced by the thoughts of authority. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the present conditions and traits of teacher-child relations in city kindergartens in Mianyang, and then proposes some appropriate measures to establish goodteacher-child relations.The paper is divided into four parts:Part One deals with the theoretical and practical values, the methods and the research thought flow of this paper.Part Two examines the present conditions of teacher-child relations in city kindergartens in Mianyang, involving the themes of events about teacher-child relations initiated by teachers and children, the distribution of categories and basic traits of teacher-child relations in city kindergartens in Mianyang.Part Three analyzes what result in the present conditions of teacher-child relations in city kindergartens in Mianyang, from three aspects ?the transmission and inheritance of the culture, the influence of teachers’ educational concepts and the influential social factors.Part Four suggests some appropriate measures to establish good teacher-child relations such developing a correct outlook of children, having a correct understanding of controlling factors in education and improving qualities of kindergarten teachers.

  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1014