

On the Problems Existed in Oral Class of Normal School

【作者】 税茜

【导师】 易连云;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 进入WTO之后,社会对外语人才的需求在数量、质量、层次和种类上均提出了新的更高的要求。其影响直接波及到各级各类学校的外语教学,特别是作为基础教育的中小学英语教学,如何培养高素质、高水平的英语教师成为当务之急。作为培养中小学英语教师的高等师范学校无疑面对着严峻挑战。然而,就目前的情况看来,专业英语教学中,英语口语课堂教学还存在着很大的问题,花的时间多,效果却不尽人意。突出问题是英语口语教学中教师忽略了加强培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力,致使大多学生在现实生活中不能很好地用英语来表达自己的思想。本论文在广泛查阅国内外相关研究成果的基础上,重点针对重庆教育学院外语系英语口语课堂教学现状做了较为细致的调查,结合自己的教学经验和对部分大学生的成绩及问卷调查对其中存在的问题进行了初步的分析,并将研究的重点放在了英语口语教学方法改革上。 全文共分为四部分: 第一部分,就目前口语课堂教学的现状,提出了影响口语课堂教学的几个主要问题。包括学生、教师、教材、教法。 第二部分,对目前国内师范专科口语课堂教学存在的问题,包括学生、教师、教材、教法进行分析。 第三部分,针对重庆教育学院乃至国内口语课堂教学存在的问题提出对策,即在口语课堂教学中运用交际法 第四部分,就交际法在英语口语课堂教学的实际运用中出现的问题提出自己的一些看法和观点。

【Abstract】 As we have entered the WTO, the step of reforming is fastened. The society need more and more people who understand a foreign language not only in quantity, but also in quality. But some problems still exist in our oral class: we spend a lot of time to get an unsatisfactory result because we neglect the fostering of the students’ communicative ability so that they cannot express themselves in English. The phenomena call the attention of the people in every field and become a great issue to people who study English. So my dissertation, which is on the basis of the study achievements home and abroad, tries to get a thorough study on the problems reflected by the oral class of Changing Educational College and tries to solve the problems especially the problem of teaching method by the way of applying the communicative approach and try to get to the conclusion of my own through the combination of my teaching experience and the analysis of the scores and questionnaires of some college students.The dissertation is divided into four parts:Part one presents the problems that influence the oral class through the analysis of present oral teaching situation.Part two analyses the problems that influence the oral class.Part three brings about the strategies: the application of communicative approach in oral class.Part four put forward some suggestions for the problems when communicative approach is applied in oral class in practice.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【下载频次】330