

【作者】 江净练

【导师】 刘明华;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 作为中学青年语文教师,除了要打好语文专业知识基础外,还要注重提高自身的综合素养。本文对这一问题进行了讨论。 语文教师的综合素养分为技术因素与人格因素。技术因素包括了广博的知识面、优美流畅的口头表达、灵活多变的教学方法、与时代接轨的多媒体教学技术等。语文教师综合素养的另一因素是人格因素,它包括三个方面:1、把自己塑造成学生认可的形象。2、在课内,要发挥情感教育的巨大作用。3、在课外,要具有亲和力。 本文认为,中学青年语文教师的综合素养可以通过1、提高语文教育理论知识水平,掌握语文教学方法;2、树立现代教育观念;3、拥有牢固的语文专业知识;4、注意学习现代科学技术知识;5、以学生为本,一切为学生着想等几个方面来得以加强和提高。如果青年语文教师都注重培养自身的综合素养,那么,一定有利于我们青年语文教师自我的完善,也有利于语文教师这一群体素质的提升,最后也有利于把语文素质教育真正落在实处。

【Abstract】 As a young Chinese teacher in school, you should not only lay a solid foundation of Chinese, but also be strongly aware of improving comprehensive quality. It is discussed in this article.Comprehensive quality of Chinese teacher can be composed of technical elements and characteristic ones. Technical elements include plenty of knowledge, skills of spoken expression, smart method of teaching, catch-up-with-times multimedia teaching method and so on. Characteristic elements include three sides: the first is the good image of teacher that can be accepted by students; the second, the teacher can play on important role of emotional education in class; the third, out of class the teacher can be close to children.The author thinks that if young Chinese teachers want to strengthen and improve their comprehensive quality, they should do with the following points: the first, they should have the high level of Chinese teaching theory and method; the second, they should set up modern conception of education; the third, they should possess solid foundation of Chinese possess foundation; the forth, they should pay attention to learn modern science and technology; the fifth, they should think of everything of student. This if they do these they benefit themselves, for improving the quality of all Chinese teachers, and for putting Chinese education quality into reality.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】425