

A Study on the Knowledge Structure of Non-major Physical Education Textbooks in Universities

【作者】 龚坚

【导师】 夏思永;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 高等学校的根本任务是为祖国培养德育、智育、体育全面发展的高级专门人才,这就要求高等学校的毕业生不仅要具有为祖国社会主义现代化建设而献身的坚定志向,在所学专业领域内有扎实的基础理论知识和解决实际问题的能力,而且还要有强健的体魄。德育、智育和体育是整个教育体系中不可分割的组成部分,三者关系处理得好则相互促进,处理得不好则造成偏废。健康的身体是大学生能出色完成大学阶段紧张学习任务的保证,更是走上工作岗位后能胜任繁重工作的基础。 体育课是高校进行体育教学的基本组织形式,是高校体育工作的基础。高校公共体育课程是建构教育科学修养的主渠道之一,是各级各类院校学生的必修课,其目的在于有效地增强学生体质,培养学生自觉锻炼身体的能力,养成终身锻炼身体的习惯,向学生进行共产主义教育,培养有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的一代新人,因而必须加强公共体育课教材课程建设。教材是课程的具体化,教材内容的主体是知识结构,因此,研究公共体育课教材知识结构在理论上和实践上都具有重大意义。鉴于此,本文拟以系统论思想为指导,综合运用课程论、学习论、教学论,认知心理学等多学科理论,紧扣时代脉搏,全面考察高校公共体育课教材知识结构现状,找出存在的问题,深入地系统地分析问题的成因。在此基础上提出优化公共体育课教材知识结构的对策构想。 全文共分四部分: 第一部分:探讨教材知识结构的基本含义,分析知识结构的形成过程,提出分析知识结构的五条标准:逻辑性、适应性、基本性、时代性、发展性。 第二部分:根据公共体育课程的定性定位差异把公共课教材按时间顺序分成六种类型,并逐一分析其知识结构,归纳出公共体育课教材知识结构存在的一般问题:重学科逻辑轻心理逻辑;重“教”论而轻“学”论;重陈述性知识而轻程序性知识;知识选择的随意性;教材内容被视为学习的固定的“文化脚本”而不是实现自我建构的精神资源。 第三部分:从认识、现实、技术和理论四个方面全面系统地分析公共体育课教材知识结构问题的成因。 第四部分:提出了优化公共体育课教材知识结构的对策构想。首先,对公共体育课程序性的定位,明确健康第一,终身体育的理念,不应把培养运动技术、技能作为公共体育课教学的主要目标。其次,要进行调查,研究实际需求,科学分析教材现状,避免知识选择的随意性。第三,要走出体系建构的误区,以范例方式实现公共体育课知识的结构化。

【Abstract】 The main purpose of universities is to cultivate talented people who are well developed morally, intellectually and physically. Graduates are expected to have a strong physique as well as more fundamental knowledge about their own field, a firm aspiration to devote themselves to China’s modernization and the ability to solve the problems in reality. These are the inseparable components of the entire education system. To deal with them properly will promote one another, or they will destroy one another. Furthermore, good health is not only the guarantee for successful completion of study in school, but also the necessity for hard work after graduation.Physical education is the basic form of physical teaching in universities. Non-major physical education, a compulsory subject for all the college students, is one of the main channels to improve the education system. Its purposes are to strengthen the students’ physique, to improve their awareness of physical training, to form lifelong habits of exercising and also to cultivate a new generation with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline. Therefore it is necessary to lay emphasis on non-major physical education teaching.The textbooks are the specification of a subject and the knowledge structure is the specific realization of a textbook. Thus a study on the knowledge structure of non-major physical education textbooks has both theoretical and practical significance. Guided by system theory and making comprehensive use of theories on curriculum designing, learning, teaching and cognitive psychology, this dissertation attempts to investigate the knowledge structure of current non-major physical education textbooks in colleges and universities, find out their problems and systematically analyze how these problems come into being, then it gives some advice on how to optimize the knowledge structure of non-major physical education textbooks.This dissertation falls into four parts.Part one studies the basic meanings of knowledge structure and how it forms, and then puts forward five criteria of analyzing knowledge structure. That is.knowledge structure should be logic, adaptable, fundamental, developmental and able to meet the requirements of the times.In part two, the current non-major physical education textbooks are divided into four types on the basis of the qualitative and orientating differences of the subject. We carefully analyze the knowledge structure of each type and then generalize some common problems, such as emphasis upon the logic of the subject over the logic of human psychology, teaching over learning, declarative knowledge over procedural one; the arbitrariness in choosing knowledge and regarding textbooks as the fixed "cultural-script" of learning instead of the spiritual resources to actively construct knowledge.Part three makes a comprehensive and systematic investigation on the reasons of the problems of the knowledge structure in non-major physical education textbooks from the four aspects of cognition, realization, techniques and theory.Part four gives some advice on how to optimize the knowledge structure of non-major physical education textbooks. First, the attribution of the non-major of physical education should be oriented. Exercising is primary and lifelong, however, its main purpose is not the physical skills’ cultivation. Second, investigation should be carried out to discover the practical demands, to scientifically analyze the current situations of physical education textbooks and to avoid the arbitrariness of choosing knowledge. Third, educational ideas and teaching contents should be renewed and learning should be integrated with exercising, health, security and the concept of lifelong physical training. Last but not kast, mistakes of construction of system should be avoided and examples should be employed to structuralize the knowledge of the non-major physical education.

【关键词】 体育公共课知识结构优化
【Key words】 physical educationnon-major courseKnowledge structureoptimize
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】517