

Reacher on the Process of Screw Transportation and Separating of Two Phase of Gas and Solid

【作者】 袁建明

【导师】 李勇智;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在散货水运运输物流系统的装船、运输、卸船诸环节中,船舶装卸技术是一个重要而薄弱的环节,散货卸船技术与装备的研究已成为物料搬运技术领域中一项重要的研究分支。而在连续型散货卸船的取料、垂直输送、水平输送等环节中,关键性的技术环节则是取料过程,取料装置性能的优劣是影响和制约散货连续卸船机能力与效率的至关重要的影响因素。散货介质力学特性的复杂性,散货在取料过程中所经历的复杂运动,以及散粒物料与取料装置之间的复杂的相互作用关系决定了取料机理研究的难度。因此,性能优良的取料装置的研制及相关取料机理的研究国民经济主战场中的一个重大技术难题,它对提高散货码头的卸船效率,降低卸船成本,实现散货码头现代化具有重要的意义。 本文的主要研究内容是对物料与空气两相流在特定的螺旋槽内的输送与分离过程进行理论分析并结合试验研究,掌握气固二相流螺旋输送与分离的运动规律性,分析并定量地确定螺旋的型式、尺寸、转速、气流速度及物料特性等因素对输送与分离性态的影响,在此基础上研制开发螺旋吸料装置并提出相应的设计理论与方法。 本文的提出的设计理论与方法将使螺旋吸料装置具有优良的连续取料能力、极低的清舱量、较小的空气除尘量、对各类连续卸船机型、所卸船型及所卸物料有较好的适应性等特点,成为双带式卸船机、波形挡板带式卸船机、埋刮板卸船机、螺旋卸船机、链斗卸船机等散货连续卸船机的首选取料装置。性能优良的螺旋吸料装置有望取代现有的水平螺旋集料叶轮供料装置及料斗类取料装置而具有广阔的应用前景和重大的经济意义。

【Abstract】 Load onto ship in water transport transport material flow system of the bulk cargo, in transport, links of unloading a ship, Shiping load and unload technology one important and weak link, bulk cargo unload a ship technology and research that equip become supplies carry technological field an important research branch! already. The ones that unloaded a ship in the continuous bulk cargo are when fetches the material, vertical sending, link that the level sends,etc., The key technological link fetches the course of the material, The quality of fetching the device performance of the material is to influence and restrict the essential influence factors of the ability and efficiency of the unloading a ship machine in succession of bulk cargo. The complexity of the medium mechanics characteristic of the bulk cargo, the complicated sport that the bulk cargo goes through in the course of fetching the material, Break up grains of supplies with choose material complicated interaction relation of device determine and choose material degree of difficulty that mechanism study. So, a great technological difficult problem in the reseach which fetches the material device , To raise bulk cargo efficiency of unloading a ship of quay it, reduce and unload a ship cost.The ones that flowed to the supplies and air two phase in the specific spiral in main research contents of this text sends and carry on the theory and analyse and combine experimental study with the separation process, Sport regularity that spiral send and separating flows to grasp angry careless two, Analyse and ration to confirm spiral pattern, size, rotational speed, air current speed and supplies characteristic,etc. impact on send and the separating nature attitude of the factor, Develop the spiral and sucks the material device and puts forward corresponding design theory and method on this basis.The design theory and method of proposition of this text will make the spiral suck the material device and have fine fetching the ability of the material in succession , Whether it is low extremely cabin amount not clear, air dust removal amount not smaller, to all kinds of unload a ship in succession by model, type unloaded a ship and unload there aren’t supplies , Become one pair of taking type unloading a ship machines, Wave form surround person who unload a ship of bringing etc., bury and blow board person who unload a ship, spiral person whounload a ship, chain fight person who unload a ship bulk cargo head of the unloading a ship machine choose the material device in succession. Performance fine spiral device hopeful to replace existing horizontal spiral collect material impeller support material device and hopper kind to choose but material dtevice have wide application prospect and great to suck material economic meaning.

  • 【分类号】U653.92
  • 【被引频次】4
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