

Selecting and Crossbreeding of Quality Spotted Chicken and the Genetic Variances Analyzing between the Spotted Chicken and Other Broiler Breeds by RAPD

【作者】 陈清森

【导师】 王光瑛;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为促进福建优质麻鸡生产,本研究选育父本尤溪麻鸡与隐性白进行杂交改良,并结合RAPD标记技术,分析尤溪麻鸡与福建省其它鸡种的遗传变异关系。 结果表明:所选父本与尤溪麻鸡原种群相比,72周产蛋数增加了20枚,高峰期产蛋率提高了8%,10周龄全程料肉比下降了0.47;杂一代种鸡与父本麻鸡相比,开产日龄迟了14天,开产体重增加了530g,72周产蛋数增加了28枚,差异极显著(P<0.01);而受精率、孵化率差异不显著(P>0.05)。杂一代、杂二代的10周龄公母鸡均重分别为1320g和1032g,而麻鸡为634g,料肉比分别为3.58和3.88,而麻鸡为4.33,有显著(P<0.05)提高;但是杂后代羽、胫色分离率高,杂一代为58.00%,杂二代为54.10%,而父本麻鸡为5.00%。这与羽色的多基因决定,麻羽本身是不稳定的中间性状,隐性白鸡种的羽色修饰基因不全为隐性等因素有关。对父本麻鸡的屠宰测定与肉质分析表明:公鸡屠体性状优于母鸡,屠宰率、胸肌率和腿肌率分别高出:3.32%、0.36%和1.98%;但是母鸡腿肌常规组成(P>0.05)、矿物质(P>0.05)和氨基酸(P<0.05)含量高于公鸡胸肌,而游离氨基酸含量则略低(P>0.05)。 本研究结合RAPD标记,用28个引物,对河田鸡(H)、丝毛乌鸡(Si)、隐性白鸡(W),从尤溪麻鸡选育出的3个种鸡群:父本尤溪麻鸡(M0)、麻羽黑肉(MB0)和黑羽黑肉(BB0),隐性白与尤溪麻鸡3个种鸡群的杂交种:黑羽黑肉(BB1)、黑羽(B1)、麻羽(M1),以及3个肉仔鸡品种父母代:AA(Arbor Acres,爱拔益加)母本(AAf)、AA父本(AAm)、艾维茵(Avain)母本(Avf)、艾维茵父本(Avm)、科宝(Cobb)母本(Cof)、科宝父本(Com),共15个群体进行遗传变异分析。结果表明:15个群体平均相似系数为71.2%,介于49.1%~81%之间;尤溪麻鸡(M0)与AA、Av、Co三个快大鸡品种间的相似系数小,而与地方鸡种、杂交种间的相似系数较大;其中与艾维茵母本(Avf)间的相似系数最小为54.6%,而与麻鸡隐性白杂一代(M1)间取值最大为71.9%。反映了中国地方鸡种在遗传组成上的特异性,也证明了地域在品种分化中的作用。

【Abstract】 In order to promote the quality spotted chicken production in Fujian, we Selected a sire from Youxi chicken, and used the Recessive White Chicken as a matting line, and analyzed the genetic variances between the spotted chicken and other broiler breeds by RAPD.The results were as follow: Compared to the original Youxi chicken group, the sire had increments of 20 eggs in 72-week EN (egg number), 8% in egg-lay ratio,and a decrease of 0.47 in feed-meat rate. The first crossbred progeny delaied laying with 14 days, increased the laying weight with 530g and 72-week EN with 28 eggs, compared to the sire, and the changes were very significant (PO.01), while the changes of fertilized rate and the hatched rate weren’t significant (P>0.05). The 10-week weight mean of the first and second crossbred progenies and Youxi chicken were 1320g, 1032g and 634g, respectively; and their feed-meat rate were 3.58, 3.88 and 4.33, respectively, the improvements were significant (P<0.05). However, the three groups’ shank and feather color segregated seriously, the segregation ratio were 58%, 54.1% and 5%, respectively, which might be due to that the color is multigene decided, and the spotted is an unstable trait ,and not all color genes are recessive in the Recessive White Chicken. The carcass measuration after the sire Youxi chicken slaughtered shew that the male chicken carcass was superior to the female with 3.32%, 0.36% and 1.98% respectively higher in dressing rate, bresket cut and ham cut, so was the disociated amino acids (P>0.05), but the female ham had more minerals (P>0.05), amino acids (P<0.05), etc.RAPD was used with 28 primers to discover the genetic relationships among the following 15 groups: Hetian chicken (H),Silkies chicken (Si), Recessive White chicken (W), and 3 breeding chicken colonies selected from Youxi sported chicken (Maji chicken): the sire Youxi chicken (Mo), the spotted plumage and black meat (MBo) and the black plumage and meat (BB0), and 3 crossbreds which are the hybrids between the Recessive White and the 3 breeding chicken colonies of Youxi spotted chicken : the black plumage and meat (BB,), the black plumage (B1) and the spotted chicken (Mi), and the sire and dam of three foreign broiler breeds: AA(Arbor Acres), Avain, and Cobb. The major results were as follows. First, the average similarity coefficient of these 15 colonies was 71.2%, ranging from 49.1% to 81%. Secondly, the similarity coefficient between the sire Youxi chicken (M0), the crossbreds, Hetian chicken (H) and Silkies chicken (Si) are higher than those between M0and the foreign breeds, which might be due to they came from different areas, and the results shew the special genetic structure of Chinese chicken breeds.

【关键词】 选育杂交RAPD遗传变异相似系数
【Key words】 selectioncrossbreedRAPDgenetic variationsimilarity coefficient
  • 【分类号】S831
  • 【被引频次】2
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