

On Security of Ownership Reservation

【作者】 余波

【导师】 庄善裕; 罗大钧;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 经济法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文围绕所有权保留是以保留标的物所有权为手段担保价金债权清偿的实质,理论联系实际地考察了所有权保留的法律构成,主张所有权保留的实质系担保权的保留,即标的物所有权于交付时已移转至买受人享有,出卖人所保留的是一种类似于抵押权的担保物权。继而就所有权保留的追及性和物上代位性以及所有权保留的实行方式和程序,参照各国相关立法、判例和学说,结合国内担保法制,进行深入和细致的研究。主张类推适用担保权尤其是抵押权的相关规定以弥补现行立法对所有权保留的疏漏,为司法裁判指明方向。具体地说:在所有权保留所及标的物范围上,为避免出卖人保留所有权的担保因标的物上所有权的变动而遭受不测之害,应认可其效力适度扩展至添附物、孳息以及标的物因毁损、灭失或公用征收所得的赔偿金或补偿金上。而为奖励买受人以及第三人对物的经济价值的创造与保持,又必须对所有权保留的效力范围予以必要的限制,以此平衡出卖人、买受人以及第三人之间权义关系。在所有权保留的实行上,当买受人迟延履行债务或有其它违约情事,损害出卖人权益时,出卖人有权依和平方式自力或经诉讼取回标的物,在买受人不于一定期限内负担费用、履行契约回赎标的物的,出卖人可依折价、变卖、拍卖或其他合乎商业法则的方式于合理的期间内自由处分标的物,并就其处分所得优先清偿债权。特别强调在实行所有权保留时必须贯彻效益性和正当性兼顾的原则,于维持和增长标的物交换价值的同时,防止出卖人滥用担保优势,保护买受人尤其是消费者的合法权益。

【Abstract】 Centered on the idea that ownership reservation is designed to secure the payment of price by reserving the ownership of the subject matter, the author analyzes, from the aspect of combination of theory and practice, the legal constituents of ownership reservation and considers that the nature of ownership reservation is the reservation of the security which means that the ownership of the subject matter transfers to the buyer with the delivery and what the seller reserves is a kind of security similar to mortgage. Then the author mainly demonstrates the recourse, replacement on the subject and the styles and procedures of realizing ownership reservation by means of analyzing related foreign legislation, precedents, theory and domestic mortgage law system. To make direction for jurisdiction, the author suggests that security especially mortgage should be used to finish the loopholes of legislation on ownership reservation according to the system of similarly-used.To make it concrete, the scope of the subject matter should extends to fixtures, interests and the damages or compensation procured from the damage, extinction and public appropriation of the subject matter in order that the seller’s mortgage not be harmed by change of the ownership in the subject matter. The scope of the force of ownership reservation should be restricted necessarily to balance the rights and duties between the seller, the buyer and a third party in order to encourage the buyer and a third party to maintain and strengthen the economic value of the subject matter. In the practice of ownership reservation, the seller have the right of regaining the subject matter by peaceful private force or proceedings if the buyer is in the situation of late payment and other breach, and the right of disposing of the subject matter to satisfy his credit ahead of others’ by discounting, selling or auctioning the subject matter or any other means conforming to commercial rules if the buyer refuses to pay related fees or to perform the contract to redeem the subject matter. The author also emphasizes particularly in the thesis that both principles of efficiency and properness should be adopted in the practice of ownership reservation, which can prevent the seller’s abusing security to protect the buyer’s especially the customers’ legal rights when the exchangeable value of the subject matter is maintained and strengthened.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】111