

Digital Art Design Research

【作者】 吕杰锋

【导师】 陈汗青;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 数字化艺术设计已经走进我们的生活并且迅速地蔓延开来,甚至几乎所有与视觉相关的领域都带有数字化艺术设计的痕迹。从好莱坞商业电影中大量运用数码特技到我们在个人电脑中见到的应用程序界面,从我们沉醉其中的电子游戏到国际互联网上丰富多彩的Web页面,都是数字化艺术设计的作品。这种利用计算机技术从事的艺术设计活动就是计算机艺术设计。由于计算机技术的数字化特征,计算机艺术设计也形象地称为数字化艺术设计。 尽管数字化艺术设计已经广泛地被应用于人类生活的各个领域,成为艺术设计表现形式的重要组成部分,但我们在数字化艺术设计理论上所做的研究和探索还显得不够。值得注意的一点就是尽管数字化艺术设计已经逐渐成为艺术设计行业中越来越重要和广泛的讨论话题,但这种讨论往往是囿于技术性质的,更深层次的也只停留在欣赏和评价阶段,而缺乏对数字化艺术设讨创作原理和思想的深入分析、归纳、整理、总结,更勿论全面和创造性的数字化艺术设计理论了。这一现象的出现是可以理解的,一位数字化艺术设计首先是以计算机技术发展和计算机应用为基础的,而计算机技术和应用的发展速度远远超出了人们的反应速度,同历史上任何一种艺术设计表现形式一样,艺术设计的过程总是由实现功能目的向追求美和价值发展的。所以我们在从事数字化艺术设计活动时往往首先考虑到技术解决方案,缺乏理论基础和思想指导时就不自觉地应用相邻领域如平面艺术设计、影视艺术设计的理论作为依据和指导。这种方法在数字化艺术设计发展的初期对数字化艺术设计的创作起了重要的推动作用。但数字化艺术设计是有着自身独特性质的魅力的艺术设计表现形式,长期缺乏自己完善有力的理论体系,不树立适应数字化艺术设计特征和发展的观念与思想,不将这些观念和思想引入到数字化艺术设计的创作和欣赏中去,数字化艺术设计就无法突破传统艺术设计的模式和窠臼,无法发挥数字化的优势和魅力,难免陷入模仿和抄袭的困境,无法进一步的前进和深入,这无论是对数字化艺术设计本身还是对整个艺术设计的发展都是不利的。 “视觉艺术产品必须遵循既定的美学原则,因为它是暗含在所有的视觉艺术中的。美学的内在含义与价值在于,它提供人们理解人生意义、展现生命存在即生命活动的场所和天地。因而,艺术的美本质便不仅是形式的美,而且是人文之美、人伦之美。”(李哲《对数码艺术的理性思考——数码艺术中关于美的讨论之二》)所以对从事艺术设计的专业人员来说,数字化艺术设计的探索,不仅仅是承认并鼓励艺术形式和手法的多样性,而且也要探寻数字化艺术设计的内涵,寻找一种共通的创作方法和原则。这是一个由感性到理性的过程,一个由非逻辑性到逻辑性的过程,一个由现象到本质的过程,是需要 艺术设计师不断实践、不断思考、不断努力才能实现的过程。本文的一切都是为了这个 目的。 本文第一章收集整理了大量关于数字化艺术设计的史料,并详细的加以归纳分析, 试图为数字化艺术设计的发展留下一些资料,并摸索出其发展的规律。 第二章则首次以数字化的特征定义了数字化艺术设计的概念,列举了数字化艺术设 计包括的范畴。 第三章试图借传统的艺术理论体系对数字化艺术设计的体系进行了分析,搭建了数 字化艺术设计的理论体系。 第四章是对数字化艺术特征的分析。 第五章结合一般的视觉原理,挖掘数字化艺术设计中的视觉规律,特别提出了数字 化艺术设计由于本身性质的不同而特有的视觉原理。 第六章是对数字化艺术设计的创作规律、创作流程进行探索。 第七章以前文的论述为基础,展望了数字化艺术设计的发展趋势,并为我国的数字 化艺术设计发展提出了一些积极的建议。

【Abstract】 The digital art design has already walked into our life and quickly spread to open, even and almost all take to have the trace of the digital art design with related realm of sense of vision all. From Hollywood business movie large quantity application the figures stunt to us the applied procedure interface that see in the personal computer, from our deeply drunk among them of the video game to the Internet ascend enrich the colorful web page work for, all is digital art design. This kind of make use of the calculator technique the art design that be engaged in the activity is a calculator art design. Because of the digital art design of technique calculator characteristic, calculator art design too the image ground call the digital art design. Despite the digital art design already and broadly is applied in the importance that mankind living that each realm, become the art design the manifestation to constitute the part, but we are in the digital art design theoretically research for doing of with investigate to still seem to be not enough. Worthy of remark 1:00 be despite the digital art design already and gradually become the art design the profession the inside more and more important with the extensive discussion topic, but this kind of the discussion is usually stays in the technique kind of, more deep level of structure of also only stay around to enjoy with evaluate the stage, but lack to digital art design artistic principle with thought deep into the analysis, induce, sorting, summary, more regardless completely with the digital art design theories of the creation. The emergence of this phenomenon can comprehend of, process that a digital art design first therefore the calculator technique develop similar to calculator application is basal of, but calculator technique with the application’s development speed fairly beyond the reach of people’s reaction speed, manifestation of any a kind of art design in history, the art design to always be pursued by realize function purpose direction beautiful with the value development of. Therefore we while be engaged inning digital art design activity usually and first in consideration of technique solution, lack the theories foundation with the theories that thought to guide not and aware of self applied close together realm if flat surface art design, the showbiz art design to be used as the basis with guide. Artistic that initial stages of this kind of method at digital art design develop push function to have importance to digital art design. But the digital art design have got what oneself the magic power’s art design of the special kind manifestation, lack the perfect and emollient theories system of oneself over a long period of time, and not set up to adapt to the digital art design characteristic with the development’s idea and thought, not these ideas with thought the guide into to the digital art design’s artistic with enjoy the inside and go to, digital art design cant break the mode of the traditional art design with old rut, can’t develop the advantage of the arithmetic figure to sink into the mimicry with magic power,It is not difficult with plagiary predicaments." sense of vision art the product must follow the decided esthetics principle, because it is what hint at in the art inside of all sense of visions. The esthetics inside meaning and value consist its, and it provide people the comprehension the human life meaning, emerge the life to exist namely the place of the life activity with world Because have but, the art’s beautiful innate character is then and not only form beautiful, and is a humanities it is beautiful, ethical relations it is beautiful."( reasonableness that Li Zhe << logarithms code the art considers- concerning two of the beautiful discussions of insides of figures art>> ) it is therefore right to be engaged in the profession personnel of the art design to say, the digital art design’s quest, not only and only is an acknowledgement and encourage art form is with the skill’s variety, and also want to explore the

【关键词】 数字化艺术设计特征体系视觉原理创作趋势
【Key words】 DigitalArtDesignCharacteristicSystemTheory of VisionCreateTrend
  • 【分类号】J504
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1206