

【作者】 邓改平

【导师】 田土诚;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分四部分: 1、相邻关系制度的基础理论。首先阐述了相邻关系的概念、相邻关系制度的概念;其次分别阐述了相邻关系的权源、适用范围以及相邻关系的主、客体等特征,接着阐述了相邻关系与地役权、人格权的区别;最后介绍了相邻关系从私法到公法到私法、公法、自律法的发展历史。 2、外国相邻关系制度概述。首先介绍了外国罗马法、法国法、德国法、日本法、瑞士法中有关相邻关系制度的内容、突出特征,并对其进行简要评价。如德国的不可量物侵害制度、日本的日照妨害学说等。其次对我国台湾地区的相邻关系制度的内容进行了介绍。 3、我国相邻关系制度。首先论述了我国相邻关系制度从理论学说到立法草案的修改到法律规定的形成过程。其次论述了我国现行法即《民法通则》第83条的规定及最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国民法通则〉若干问题的意见》(试行)第97条至103条有关相邻关系的规定,同时论述了我国相邻关系有利生产、方便生活、团结互助、公平合理的处理原则。最后阐述了我国《物权法草案建议稿》关于相邻关系的有关规定。 4、关于完善我国相邻关系制度的设想。首先提出了我国现行法关于相邻关系制度规定的不足,如相邻关系主体对使用人规定的不明确、相邻关系种类不完备等。其次针对上述不足提出了具体的立法建议。

【Abstract】 The article consists of four sections:Section 1.The basic theory of neighborly relations institution At the beginning It demonstrates the conception of neighborly relations and of neighborly relations institution. Then It demonstrates the neighborly relations from right theory, the field of being used, and characteristic of subject and object and so on. After that it demonstrate the differences between neighborly relations and easement and personal right. At the last it introduces the development process of neighborly relations which experiences from the period of civil law to the period of publical law then to the period that civil law, publical law and self- confined law exist at same.Section 2, Brief introduction of foreign neighborly relations First, it introduces the neighborly relations contents and characteristic of Roman law, France law, German law , Japan law and Switzerland law . At the same time evaluate them, Such as German’s unmeasured damage institution and Japan’s sun light damage hypothesis . Then introduces the contents of Taiwan region neighborly relations institution.Section 3 The institution of neighborly relations in China This section discusses the forming process of neighborly relations from the theories to the revision of legislative draft and final regulations . Secondly , it states other relating regulations in Article 83.of rules of civil law and Article 97 to Article 103 of the super people’s court’s opinions on questions in executing rules of civil law (tentatively). At the same time it mentions the principles ofdealing with neighborly relations such as being favorable to production, being convenient to living, being helpful to harmonious neighborly fair and reasonable. Finally it states some regulations relating to neighborly relations in proposed draft of law relating to rights over thingsSection 4 suggestions on developing the institutions of the relation of our countryIt starts to point out the deficiency of the institution .For example, the undefined regulations about users in the subject of neighborly relations, and the incomplete sorts of the relations, etc .Then it gives specific legislative suggestions accordingly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】325