

【作者】 郭东浦

【导师】 王本德; 李海潞;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水利工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 抽水蓄能电站是应电力工业产供销同时完成的特点而产生的一种特殊电源,随着电力工业的不断发展,它已成为电力系统调峰电源规划的一个重要组成部分,其在电力系统的效益及其经济性也逐渐为世界各国所公认。但在我国,由于长期以来电力工业体制未能完全适应社会主义市场经济要求等诸多方面的原因,致使人们至今对抽水蓄能电站的效益及其经济性仍存不同认识。为了在新世纪初期尽快完成电源结构的调整,进一步统一对抽水蓄能电站的认识,研究抽水蓄能电站的效益计算方法,分析和评价抽水蓄能电站的经济性是十分必要的。 按照一般的分类方法,抽水蓄能电站的效益分可为静态效益和动态效益。静态效益即调峰填谷所产生的效益,它进一步分为容量效益和电量效益(节煤效益);动态效益则是由于蓄能电站启动迅速、运行灵活,在承担系统调频、调相、负荷调整和紧急事故备用等“动态”任务,满足系统“动态”运行需要而产生的经济效益。 目前在抽水蓄能电站的静态效益计算中,一般采用替代系数法,即用抽水蓄能电站的装机容量乘以容量替代系数(1.05~1.1)计算抽水蓄能电站的替代容量;用抽水蓄能电站的发电量乘以电量替代系数(1.05)计算替代电站的发电量,再根据循环效率的大小计算抽水蓄能电站的燃料消耗。这样的处理方法过于粗糙,具有很大的任意性。当系统的水电(含抽水蓄能)比重较小时,1.05~1.1容量替代系数可能偏小;而当抽水蓄能电站占有一定比重时,这种方法又可能过高地估计了抽水蓄能电站的容量效益,因为它未能考虑某些月份抽水蓄能电站可能出现的空闲容量。至于电量效益,可以肯定地说,因为未能考虑抽水蓄能电站投入后改善火电机组的运行工况所带来的燃料节省,这样过大地计算了抽水蓄能电站的燃料消耗。实际上,抽水蓄能电站的容量效益与电网的负荷水平、负荷曲线形状和常规水电的比重有关,而节煤效益除与负荷水平、负荷曲线形状有关外,还与电网的电源结构、火电机组的动力特性有关。分析和研究认为,根据调峰容量平衡和火电动力特性进行机组的检修安排,按照煤耗等微增率原理进行火电机组间的负荷分配,可从理论上解诀电力系统运行(日和年)的经济性问题。本文按照上述思路,提出了新的电力电量平衡和燃料消耗计算方法,并基于这种方法采用Turbo.Basic语言编制了计’算程序,在微机上调试通过。 抽水蓄能电站具有运行灵活、启动迅速的特点,其在电力系统的动”态效益主要表现在紧急事故备用、负荷跟踪、调频和同步调相上。本文通过典型实例对有关动态效益进行了定性分析和描述。采用数学模型对这些效益进行模拟量化,还有待于将来进行深入研究。 抽水蓄能电站作为一种调峰电站,在论证其经济性时,替代电源的选择是非常关键的。国际上惯用燃汽轮机作为替代电站,但山于过去国家能源政策对燃油机组的限制,我们以往大都选用燃煤火电站作为替代电站进行经济分析。随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,燃油机组将不再成为限制,因此有必要对各种可能的替代电源进行分析比较。本文在分析各类机组的运行特性的基础上,对燃煤火电机组、单循环燃汽轮机、联合循环燃汽轮机和抽水蓄能机组,以不同发电时间为参数,按照工程经济学的年费用现值最小原理对各类电源进行了经济比较,从而得出了各类电站经济的合理运行范围。同时可以看出,燃气轮机的运行位置与抽水蓄能电站最为接近,作为抽水蓄能电站的替代措施是最为合理的。

【Abstract】 The benefits (static and dynamic) and economic feasibility of the pumped storage power plant is being recognized all over the world. But in China,due to the unsuitability of organization of power industry to socialist market economy,there are many disagreed knowledge to pumped storage power plant so far. Therefore,it is very necessary to study calculating method of benefits of pumped storage power plant and analyze its economy for completing the regulation of power structure in the early new century.The benefits of pumped storage power plant can be divided into static benefits and dynamic benefits based on acknowledged classification. Static benefits are generated from peaking and valley-filling,which are further divided into capacity benefits and coal saving benefits. Dynamic benefits come from its fast starting and flexible operation,including frequency regulation,synchronous condenser operation,fast coverage of steep load gradient and synchronous spinning reserve.As for the calculation of static benefits of pumped storage plant,the alternative coefficient method is normally adopted at present. The adopted alternative coefficient for capacity is from 1.05 to 1.10 and for electric generation 1.05. In fact,the capacity benefits are related to maximum load,load curve and the weight of hydropower power capacity. While the benefits of coal consumption saving are related to load consumption characteristic and power structure in addition to maximum load and load curve of the power system. It is very evident that the method metioned above is too rough to use. In this paper,a new method is deeply studied on power and energy balance and fuelconsumption of power system relative to the static benefit. The overhaul of power units are arranged in terms of peaking capacity balance and the power loads are dispatched based on the principle of equal incremental coal consumption rate in the new method,which is anticipated to solve the economic operation of the power system. A computer program in Turbo-Basic is also compiled based on the new method in this paper.Pumped storage power plants work flexibly and start very fast. It can serve for synchronous spinning reserve,load following,frequency control and synchronous condenser operation. Due to the difficulty of quantitative calculation,the typical cases on dynamic function of pumped storage plant are qualitatively analyzed in this paper.As a peaking power plant,the gas turbines are usually taken as the alternatives of the pumped storage power plant for its economic evaluation. Nevertheless,the coal-fired thermal plants were adopted as the alternatives of the pumped-storage power plant due to the limitation of national policy in the past. With the progressive establishment of socialist market economy,oil-fired thermal plant should no longer be a limit for the each power system in China. In this paper,economic comparisons are conducted among pumped storage plant,coal-fired thermal plant and gas turbine and reasonable operation ranges are found for all power plants mentioned above.

  • 【分类号】TV743
  • 【被引频次】9
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