

【作者】 郑烈锋

【导师】 郭昌捷; 郭禾;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着企业规模和软件复杂性的不断增加,系统总体结构规划和设计的重要性远远超过了特定算法和数据结构的选择与设计。软件体系结构作为描述系统高层设计和实现更广范围内软件重用的手段,已成为软件工程领域研究的一个热点。 论文首先系统地研究了软件体系结构的定义、起源、研究内容和意义,对分布式软件体系结构作了专门详细的论述。接着对业务过程重组的一个重要技术——工作流管理作了简单的介绍。然后在对特定领域的软件体系结构讨论和已有研究的基础上提出了一个基于DSSA的、具有层次风格的企业资源计划(ERP)模型——ERPSA2.0及其开发环境。并在最后介绍了一个使用该模型的实例系统。 论文对ERPSA2.0进行了详细地讨论,提出了构建企业模型的层次结构分析方法和进行业务功能细分的功能接口分析方法,并按照软件体系结构的复用思想开发了一系列和领域有关的专用功能模型、通用功能模型和辅助功能开发模块。

【Abstract】 As the size of enterprise and complexity of software system increase, the design and specification of overall system become more significant issues than the choice and design of specific algorithms and data structures. As a means of representing the system design at a high level of abstraction and implementing the software reuse in a widely area, software architecture is one of the hotspot in software engineering field.In this paper we first present the definitions, origins, research directions and importance of software architecture, dissertate distributed software architecture. The dissertation introduces the concept of workflow management system, an important method to implement business process reengineering (BPR). On the basis of Domain-Specific Software Architecture (DSSA) andResearched chief, we develop a DSSA-based ERP model-ERPSA2.0and its development circumstances, and at last introduce an actual software system used ERPSA2.0.We discuss the model in detail, bring forward tier-analyse method of enterprise model and function-interface method of business. Based on resumption of software architecture, develop a series of especially function module relate to domain, currency function module and assistant development module.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】207