

【作者】 王晶

【导师】 苏敬勤;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的不断进步和社会经济的不断向前发展,城市作为国家的一个经济地域单元的作用也日益突出。在新世纪,国家之间的竞争更为突出地表现为各大经济中心城市之间的竞争,要想在这场角逐中立于不败之地,就必须提高城市的综合竞争力,这是时代的要求,而扩展(提升和优化)城市功能则是它的前提和基础。 城市功能是指城市在一个国家或地区的政治、经济、文化生活中所承担的任务和所起的作用,以及由于这种作用的发挥而产生的效能。城市功能扩展实质就是城市功能的优化和升级,即城市功能在内容上由单一向多元化叠加增多,在能量上呈现倍增效应,并使主导功能变异。 大连市作为中国北方一个重要的节点城市要想成为东北地区的经济“龙头”,要想在环渤海地区及东北亚地区发挥重要的作用,就必须在发展完善自我的同时带动辐射周遍地区共同发展,这就是大连城市功能扩展的内在要求。同时,世界经济重心向亚太地区转移,加上全球经济一体化和区域经济集团化又构成了大连市城市功能扩展的外在要求。 尽管这几年大连的经济发展取得了很大的成就,在区域中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但是,大连还处于现代化的初级阶段,在城市功能扩展中还存在很多问题:就城市自身而言,总体经济实力制约了辐射能级;粗放的产业结构使城市功能扩展后继乏力;城市建设有了很大提高,但与城市功能扩展要求的差距还很大;腹地经济的不发达影响城市功能扩展的进程。 产生以上问题的主要原因是由于受到体制性因素影响,经济结构调整的影响,传统观念的干扰,以及世界经济发展趋势的影响。针对 这一现状,建议大连城市功能扩展以扩展生产、管理、聚散、服务、 创新等五大功能为主:即以集散功能为先导,努力推动大连商贸、金 融和信息的发展;以生产、管理功能为基础,促进大连实现超越发展, 增强综合实力;以服务功能为条件,沟通与世界的联系,并保证城市 有效运转;以创新为动力,增强城市生机与活力。 大连要立足服务于东北地区,面向环渤海地区和东北亚地区,在 区内经济活动中真正起到资金流、商品流、技术流、人才流和信息流 的聚散和枢纽中心。城市功能扩展的目的是使大连以强大的辐射力和 渗透力带动和影响周遍地区经济发展,最终实现大连市城市现代化、 城市国际化和城市可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology, as an important economic region unit of a country, urban position becomes outstanding step by step. In the new century, the competition of economy center urban is instead of its of the countries. If we want to win the victory, the comprehensive competition of the urban must be improved. Extending urban function is the bases and premise.Urban function extension means that a urban gives the rein to effect and undertakes the responsibility in politics economic culture in a country or an area. Urban function extension means that content of urban function turns from less to more, its energy level rise and the key function change.As one of important urban in China, Dalian ought to understand what action its should undertake, it is the leader in the Northeast of China, it has an important position in surround Bohai sea. Dalian must develop itself, and in the same time, it bring along the area development together.However, we must recognize what the problem we have and must face , such as mainstay industrial is not obvious, high science and technology develop slowly ,the strength of urban is not powerful , level of infrastructure compares with the level of economic development is not suit ,and so on. It is backward in idea , it is short of service consciousness. It lacks connection with hinterland. It is not enough economic combine concert deferent area.Facing the problem, we suggest extending urban function in production, management, collection and spread, service, and making innovation. Collection and spread function as guide push Dalian forward the center of information,finance, business and trade in areafield; production function and management function is basement , promote Dalian overstep development; service function can help we communicate the world, and make Dalian city effective operation; making innovation can make Dalian full of vigor and vitality.Service Northeast of China is standpoint of Dalian, and facing Bohai sea Economic Region and Northeast of Asia, make Dalian into the center of fund, goods technology talent information.Final goal of urban function extension is that Dalian should realizes modernize and internationalization.

  • 【分类号】F299.27
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】326