

【作者】 陶铁忠

【导师】 陈培久;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以承担港口机械制造、修理、租赁为主业的大连港机械厂为研究对象,运用企业战略及相关管理学知识,从分析企业环境入手,系统地分析了企业所处的宏观环境、行业竞争环境、市场需求以及企业所处战略态势。在分析企业内、外部环境的基础上,对企业的经营发展战略进行研究,提出了企业发展的战略目标。确定了企业发展的总体战略及相应的职能战略,找到了保证企业战略顺利实施的方法和措施。全文共分五大部分。第一部分 大连港机械厂简介。第二部分 企业战略的环境分析。第三部分企业总体发展战略。第四部分 企业的职能战略。第五部分企业战略的实施保证。本文主要结论:1、尽管中国的港口机械制造和修理行业竞争十分激烈,但目前仍是一个很好的发展机遇,存在较大的发展空间,企业只要扬长避短抓住机遇是可以获得发展的。2大连港机械厂尽管存在很大的竞争优势,但也存在诸多困难,主要是面临大连港的主辅分离、受大连港体制的制约难以自我发展、没有形成自己的研发能力、没有建立起自己的营销体系、本厂的产品成本高缺乏市场竞争力。3、企业的主要威胁来自于国内的同类产品生产厂家。4、大连港机械厂的战略目标是:到2010年销售额达2.0亿元,平均年增长率达9%。企业在国内具有较高的知名度,产品市场占有率达30%以上。建成国内知名的集技工贸一体化的港口特种起重运输设备生产厂。5、大连港机械厂总体战略:稳定港机维修业务,集中力量大力发展港机制造业务;立足港口,面向社会;内抓产品研究与开发,与大连港设计研究院结成战略联盟;外抓市场营销,全力扩大市场份额。建立现代企业制度促进企业发展。6、为实现总体战略应采取的职能战略是:(1)、企业产品组合战略(2)、企业的市场营销战略(3)、企业的R&D战略(4)、人力资源管理战略(5)、企业的生产管理战略(6)、企业的信息化建设战略(7)、名牌取胜战略(8)、坚持“以人为本”“上下同欲”的企业理念。7、保障战略实施的措施有:(1)、必须解放思想,更新观念(2)、适时调整企业组织结构(3)、把企业战略转化成企业员工的共同意愿(4)、战略实施的控制及动态调整(5)建立现代企业制度。

【Abstract】 The main contents of this thesis is about the development strategies of Dalian Port machinery Works which is a factory with port machines’ manufacture , maintenance and charter. Beginning with analysis enterprise’s environment and using strategies of the firms and other management knowledge, It systematically analyses the enterprise’s microscope environment, trade competition environment, market requirement and strategy situation of the enterprise.Based on the analysis of the enterprise’s inside and outside environment and the research of the enterprise’s development strategies, It puts forward the development strategy goal of the firm and decides the general development strategy and corresponding function strategy. It finds the best way to guarantee the development strategies of the firms’ implementation.The article consists of the following five parts: Part I :The introduction of the DaLian Port Machinery Works. Part II: The analysis of the enterprise’s strategy environment. Part III: The general development strategy of the firm Part IV: The function strategy of the firmPart V: The measure to guarantee the development strategies of the firms’ implementation.The main conclusion of the article is made up of the following seven points:1. Although port machines’ manufacture and maintenance is now in a intense competitive condition in China, It still is an opportunity for the manufacturer who can exploit to the full their favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones. So DaLian Port Machinery Works will become stronger day by day if it can make good use of the opportunities.2. Although DaLian Port Machinery Works has much competitive strgies predominance ,It also has many difficulties ,in which the main ones are including the following four points:(1) The enterprise is restricted by the DaLian Porfs system of organization ,so it has no freedom to do things as its own intention. At the same time it is facing the DaLian Porfs system reform. The situation will be severer.(2) It has no its own design team.(3) It has not built its own marketing system.(4) It has no competitive product.3. The main threat of the enterprise is its competitor.4.The strategy goal of the firms includes the following four points:(1) Its sales income is to 200,000,000 yuan by 2010. It increases at a rate of 10% per year.(2) Make It well-known in China.(3) Its product takes more over 30% market.(4) Make it become a famous special port machines’ manufacturer. 5.The general development strategies of the firms is including the following five points:(1) Strength its traditional port machines’ maintenance and enlarge its port machines’ manufacture by all its heart.(2) Base itself upon Dalian port and face the market.(3) Try its best to develop its own design contingent with the aid of DaLian Port design & research institute.(4) Gradually enlarge its market taking by strengthening its marketing contingent.(5) Promote the enterprise’s development by building modern enterprise system.6.The function strategy to make the enterprise’s general strategies become reality:(1) Product constitution strategy of the enterprise.(2) marketing strategy of the enterprise.(3) R&D strategy of the enterprise.(4) Manpower management strategy of the enterprise.(5) Production management strategy of the enterprise.(6) Information building strategy of the enterprise(7) Famous product building strategy of the enterprise.(8) Building the enterprise culture of "make the people as the base, make leader and worker as one-piece "7.The measure to guarantee the strategy complement of the enterprise:(1) liberate the staffs’ thinking and renew their concept.(2) The enterprise’s organization structure adjustment.(3) Make the enterprise’s strategies transform the staff’s common idea(4) The strategy co

【关键词】 港口机械厂发展战略研究
【Key words】 portMachineryDevelopment strategyResearch
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】110