

Probe Cooperative Education in China

【作者】 王玮

【导师】 王培根;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 高等教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 产学研相结合是世界高等教育改革与发展的共同趋势,产学合作育人是世界面临的需共同讨论的问题。虽然从美国辛辛那提大学创立合作教育模式至今已有百余年历史,而我国近十多年才有较大发展。从1991年在上海成立产学研合作教育协会,到1997年国家教委在全国28所学校立项试验至今,产学研合作教育成效显著。但在发展过程中还存在不少问题需要从理论与实践结合上进行探讨。 本文从产学研合作教育的理论与实践两个层面、历史与现状两个维度,分析了产学研合作教育的理论基础和国内外合作教育的发展状况,特别是针对我国实施产学研合作的现状,探索了实施产合作教育的指导思想、运行机制、实施模式、政策法规与质量监督等。 本文的主要特点有:论述了产学合作教育是培养创新人才的有效途径。主要体现在以下三个方面: 1、从多角度论述了产学研合作教育的运行机制,包括互惠互利的动力机制,合作教育运作过程中的工作机制,政府政策法规调控等的外部保障机制。 2、突出产学研合作教育特点,构建校内外结合的创新人才培养体系。一是以培养创新创业人才为目标,提出制定在校学习与企业工作实践相结合的教学计划的思路;二是以建立校内外实践基地为重点,使校内创新教学实践活动与企业生产实践过程协调衔接与配合;三是合作教育安排的学生以分散为主,并相应建立以考核学生创新能力、实际工作能力为主的学校与社会结合的多元考核评价制度。 3、从建立合作教育法规出发,建议制定中国产学研合作教育条例作为高等教育法的单项性法规。它包括政府对产学研合作教育的调控法规,质量监督以及高校和企业对参与产学研合作教育的有关政策规定。 文章具体内容如下: 1、对产学研合作教育的三个理论基础即教育心理学基础、系统论基础 武汉理卜人学硕十学位论文和教育与生产劳动相结合理论进行分析时,着重论述了我们应从教育与国民经济相结合、教学与科研生产相结合以及教育过程与生产过程相结合的多层面来认识教育与生产劳动相结合理论,并用之指导处理教育与经济的关系以及合作教育实践。 2、在介绍产学研合作教育的实践状况时,首先描述了产学研合作教育在美国、英国、R本、德国等国的产生、发展与成熟以及各国的特有的实施方式,然后特别概述了我国的初步试验性实施取得的成绩和存在的问题。 3、从实施途径的角度探索了产学研合作教育的多种模式。因专业不同、层次不同和产学研合条件的不同,产学研合作教育的实践模式试验多种多种。基于产学研合作教育的培养目的,即培养有创新思维的、善于解决实际问题和熟练运用现代技术手段的动手能力强的创业创新人才的目的,比较了1读交替、工读结合、以科研促教学(工程研究中心、校办高科技企业或实践基地、大学科技园区、企业博士后流动站)等模式,并按理论学习期与工作实践期时间分配不同,分析了几种不同的教学计划方案,如刀式、521式、121式、渗透式。还针对产学研合作教育的特点,即创新教学实践活动与企业工作一体化,提出了校内外实践基地建设的多种具体途径和方式。在合作教育单位安排上,提议紧密型与松散型结合,合作教育的学生安排以分散安排为主,分散与集中结合。对在合作单位的学生的质量考评应以创新能力、分析解决实践问题能力为主,使学校与社会评价结合。 4、探讨了建立合作教育的政策法规问题。政府通过政策法规、财政资助等手段进行的宏观调控包括政府为鼓励企业将其发展转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质上来而制定的相应的政策法规。还探讨了高等学校在人事分配制度。学生工作方面鼓励教师与学生参与合作教育的政策,企业为促进产学研合作教育在人事岗位管理、职工教育培训与支持技术人员参与合作教育方面的政策规定。与此同时,还提议要建立产学研合作教育的领导体制以及进行评估与质量监督,为产学研合作教育的深入发展提供良好的外部环境与条件。

【Abstract】 The reform and development of higher education in the world is integrating teaching with practice and research. Cooperative education is a problem that the world should face. It has been organized for about 10 years, while it has been established in American for more than 100 years in college of cincinnate.. In 1991, shanghai association of cooperative education was established.. China committee of education put it into practice in 28 institutions of higher education in 1997. During this period, cooperative education gives a good result, but there are still a few problems should be solved in theory and practice.The author analyzes the basic theory and the development of cooperative education abroad and in China from the angle of theory and practice and in the dimension of history and reality. According to the states, the author probes the guiding ideology, running mechanism, practical patterns, policy, laws and regulations and the supervisory system. The author points out that cooperative education is a effective way to cultivate creative talents. It is the main speciality in this thesis.Following is the particular content:1 Illuminate the running mechanism of cooperative education . It includes motive mechanism of benefiting from each other, working mechanism in the course of running, external guarantee mechanism of government harmonize.2 Build up teaching procedure of cultivating creative talents in college and enterprise to protruding the speciality of cooperative education. The first is laying down teaching plan of study in school relating work in enterprise in the aim of cultivating create talents. The second is building place of fieldwork to link with practice in institutes and experiments in enterprise. The third is arranging students in many units. Accordingly, a diversified judge system should be established to value students’ creative power.3 Draft regulations according to policy of cooperative education, and make it the stipulates of higher education. It includes government coordinate rules and laws draw up by enterprise and institutions of higher education.The concrete contents of this thesis is as follows:1 The author expounds three basic theory of cooperative education. They are psychology of education, theory of system, and theory of education relating work. Then the author propose that we should understand the theory of education linking with work all-sidedly, and use it to know the relationship between education and economy and cooperative education.2 The engender, development, mature and patterns of cooperative education have been analyzed in America, England, Japan and Germany. Then the author summarize the achievements and existing problems in China3 The author probes varies practical patterns of cooperative education. Because of varies of major, level and condition, the patterns of cooperative education is diversified. The aim of cooperative educations is cultivating creative talents who can solve realistic problems and utilize modern technology. To achieve the goal, the author compares the patterns of alternating of fieldtrip and study, integrating field work with study combining teaching with research and their implement methods.Then the author analyzes a few teaching programmes according to varies periods of study and fireworks, such as 71, 521, patterns of permeation . Moreover the author gives many specified ways to establish practice base out of or in campus.. As to the arrangement of students, the author propose disperse and concentration should be related while scatter is the main ways.4 At last, the author probes the problems of laws and regulations. They are government’s harmonizing cooperative education by policy, finance subsidize to encourage enterprise to make progress by science and talents, college regulations of encouraging teachers and students to enter into cooperative education and enterprise’s laws of promoting cooperative education. Leader, judge and supervisory system is also discussed in order to give a goo

  • 【分类号】G647.5
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