

Study on Phosphorusgypsum and Powdered Coal Ash in Prouduct of Cement

【作者】 王国民

【导师】 武七德; 周明凯;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 材料学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 磷石膏是磷酸工业和某些合成洗涤产品工业的副产品,粉煤灰是在煤灰锅炉废气中收集下来的粉末。该两种工业废渣由于排放量大,利用率低,污染严重。如何利用该两种工业废渣是当前生态工作者研究的重点之一。 磷石膏中含有CASO4.2H2O在90%以上,可用做水泥生产的辅助原料,我国中小磷石膏排放厂较多,中小水泥厂更是分布广泛,应此开展磷石膏应用研究,在我国具有十分重大的现实意义。本课题通过对磷石膏的改性研究,开发出改性石膏球,取代天然二水石膏用作水泥生产调凝剂,提高了磷石膏的使用价值。 粉煤灰在我国年排放量达1.6吨,但目前总利用率仅为45%累计堆存达22亿,吨占地2.9公顷。如何有效的利用粉煤灰是水泥行业的重要研究课题,通过本课题研究,开发新的粉煤灰活化激发剂,制成活性高的粉煤灰料球,用作水泥生产的活性混合材。提高了粉煤灰的使用价值,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Phosphorus-gypsum is a by-product of phosphoric acid and some Compound Washing product industry . Powdered coal ash is a kind of powder which collected from waste gases of coal ash boiler . Because of it’s large quantity of emission, low availability, serious pollution. How to make good use of the two kinds of industrial dross is one of the emphasis of research for ecologist.Phosphorus-gypsum, containing 90% of CaSO4-2H2O, Can be used as auxiliary material for production of Cement. There are many phosphorus-gypsum emitting factories and small cement plants in our country . So it has very significant real meanings to research phosphorus-gypsum for applied use . Modifying gypsum ball was exploited which substituted crude phosphorus -gypsum as regulate set agent, for cement production . This upgraded the using valuation of phosphorus -gypsum.The amount of emission of powder coal ash is 1.6 ton per year, but it’s total availability is only 45%. By now , the accumulating amount is 2200 million tons , occupying area of 2.9 hectare . How to make good use of powder coal ash is a very significant researching project .New excitating agent was exploited which is for powder coal asn activation , produced high activating powder coal ash ball, used as mixed material for cement production . All of these improved the using valuation of powder coal ash .it has significant economic benefit and social benefit.

【关键词】 粉煤灰磷石膏活化
【Key words】 Powdered coal ashPhosphorus-gypsumactivation
  • 【分类号】TQ172
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】541