

E-marketing Status Quo and Countermeasures in China

【作者】 孙纯

【导师】 陶良虎;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以信息化社会、数字化时代为背景,考察了网络营销发展的理论基础,指出网络营销是信息化时代数字化企业的营销方式,通过对我国企业网络营销发展现状的深入考察和分析,从指导原则、实施步骤和应注意的问题三个方面提出我国企业网络营销的发展对策。 二十世纪九十年代以来,现代信息技术的迅猛发展和应用,使全球经济运行在一个新的平台上,相对于传统经济而言,新经济并不是简单的量变,而是一种深刻意义上的质变,整个世界经济的游戏规则在改变,企业的市场营销活动也正发生着一场革命。一种全新的营销方式——网络营销开始兴起,并将逐渐取代传统营销模式,成为新经济下企业营销活动的主流。 网络营销是基于信息经济的,个人和组织通过创造、提供和交换有价值的产品,以满足其需求和欲望的社会活动和管理过程。从本质上讲,市场营销是一个以消费者为中心的价值创造和提供过程。作为一种全社会“网络计算环境”或“数字化神经系统”背景下的新型营销方式,网络营销是建立在传统营销理论基础之上的数字化企业的营销方式,其本质就是对企业价值链的整合再造。 网络营销的兴起,一方面是基于现代信息和通信技术的发展,而更为重要的动力,则来自信息技术进步所带来的社会环境的变化,即市场营销环境的变化和消费者行为的变化。市场营销环境的变化包括市场的全球化、一体化,市场的多样化、个性化和时变化,供给与需求更紧密的结合,市场竞争更加广泛和激烈及经济规则作用的变化。消费者行为的改变包括消费者角色的转变,消费者购买行为日趋个性化、理性化。 对于网络营销这一概念,可以从理念、战略和战术三个层次加以理解。首先,网络营销是一种新型市场营销理念,其核心是在现代信息技术飞速发展的新经济条件下,如何通过企业价值链的整合再造,增强企业的核心竞争能力,并提升整条价值链的价值,以更好地为顾客服务。网络营销理念是数字化企业在信息化的全球经济条件下开展市场营销活动的指导思想。其次,这是一种市场营销战略。即在新的环境中,新观念指导下企业的营销模式,涉及到企业营销活动的各个方面,如与其他企业的合作,对客户的把握,以及如何调动企业的内部资源使之与企业的外部环境相适应,等等。最后,这是一种具体解决方案,包括网络营销战术和策略,技术则是具体解决方案的实施手段。三个层次的分解有助于对网络营销的理解,澄清一些模糊、甚至错误的认识。 网络营销,从本质上讲,是通过对企业价值链的整合再造,提高企业的核心竞争力,以更好地为顾客服务。其理论基础包括整合营销、个性化营销和合作营销。作为数字化企业的一种新型营销方式,网络营销对传统的市场营销战略、营销方式、营销策略和营销组织都将产生巨大的影响。 武汉理工大学硕士论文 作为一个崭新的领域,网络营销的理论和实践都在不断发展,并随着市场环境的 变化和企业网络营销实践的发展而日益丰富。企业开展网络营销是一个循序渐进的过 程。一般来讲,包括四个可能的层次,由低到高,依次为作业层次、业务层次、企业 层次和行业层次的网络营销。 当前,我国己加入WTO,国内企业将直面国际竞争,同时,全球企业信息化的步 伐进一步加快。在这样的历史条件下,如何有效地开展网络营销,充分利用现代信息 技术实现企业价值链的整合再造,提高企业的国际竟争能力,己成为每一个具有竞争 和忧患意识的企业必须关心的头等大事。从总体上看,当前我国企业网络营销的基础 设施较好,但是应用水平不高,网络营销发展极不平衡,这主要表现为地区、行业和 企业之间的发展差异。与电子商务不同,我国企业实施网络营销的障碍主要来自企业 内部,包括认识、管理、组织和人才等四个方面的因素。 我国企业网络营销发展对策建议,包括指导原则、步骤和应注意的问题三个方面。 企业实施网络营销必须遵循一些思路或基本要旨和原则,这包括:设计新型的数字化 业务模式;实现业务与技术的紧密结合;构造新型联盟,实现协同商务;强化应用集 成的思路;实现以客户为中心的转变。 我国企业开展网络营销包括若干步骤,这些步骤不仅有技术的部分、而且有非技 术的部分,包括:制定网络营销目标,即企业根据其数字化总目标,在对企业内外部 因素综合分析评价的基础上,制定相应的网络营销目标,包括明确的长期远景规划和 近期实现目标:实现基础管理信息化,包括管理标准化和资源数字化;建立客户关系 管理系统,包括在线销售团队自动化,市场营销自动化,在线客户服务与支持,计算 机、电话、网络的集成等:企业一体化集成,使企业的前台资源(客户端)和后台资 源(供货商及其内部资?

【Abstract】 Theory and practice of e-marketing is discussed with the background of information society and digital era. E-marketing is the marketing pattern of digital company in the information era. Application rules,steps and matters concerned are put forward on the analysis of company’s e-marketing status quo in China.Global economy has been brought up to a new flat by the swift development and application of information technology since 1990s. Compared to traditional economy,new economy is not a simple quantitative change but a deep qualitative change. All the game regulations of global economy are changing,and an overturn also happens in marketing. A brand new marketing pattern,e-marketing,rises and begins to replace traditional marketing as the mainstream of marketing in new economy.E-marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating,offering,and exchanging products of value with others in the information economy. Marketing is a value-creating and offering process which centers on customer. As a new marketing in the whole society "network calculate environment" and "digital nerve system",e-marketing is digital company’s marketing based on traditional marketing theory,and the essence of which is to improve company’s core competence through integration and reengineering of value chain and to enhance the value of whole value chain for better customer satisfaction.The rise of e-marketing is based not only on the development of information technology,but also on the great changes of social environment accompanied,which include changes in both marketing environment and consumers. The change of marketing environment consists of globalization and integration of market,diversification and individuation of customer demand,closer combination of supply and demand,more extensive and intense competitions,change of economy regulations’ function. The change of consumers includes the change of customers’ role,individuation and rationalization of customers buying behavior.E-marketing consists of meanings of three levels-concept,strategy and tactic. Firstly,e-marketing is a new marketing concept,and the essence lies in how to integrate and reengineer company’s value chain to improve its core competence and to enhance the value of whole value chain in new economy accompanied by the swift development of moderninformation technology. E-marketing is the guidance of digital company’s marketing in the global information economy. Secondly,e-marketing is a kind of marketing strategy,a marketing pattern under the direction of new concept in new environment,which involves each aspect of marketing,such as corporation with other companies,control of buyers,arrangement of various resources to fit the environment,etc. Lastly,e-marketing is a tactic,and technology is just the tool for the achievement of marketing tactics. The three-level explanation helps to clarify the meaning of e-marketing.In substance,e-marketing is integration and reengineering of company’s value chain to improve its core competence for better customer satisfaction. The theory base of e-marketing lies in integrated marketing,individual marketing and corporation marketing. As the marketing of digital companies,e-marketing has a great influence on traditional marketing strategies,marketing pattern,marketing tactics and marketing organization.As a new field,e-marketing which develops constantly in both theory and practice will enrich increasingly with the changes of environment and the development of company practice. The implementation of e-marketing is a gradual process which commonly includes four possible levels,they are activity,business,enterprise and industry e-marketing.China has entered WTO and all domestic companies are faced with international competition directly. Meanwhile,the world has become more and more digitized. Every domestic company must consider how to e-marketing effectively,that is how to make use of information technology to integrate and reengineer its value c

【关键词】 网络营销信息化数字化企业
【Key words】 e-marketingdigitalizationdigital company
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