
分布式企业Data Warehouse的创建及应用研究

【作者】 王奔

【导师】 袁南儿;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络与数据库技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,使得企业管理进入了一个崭新的时代。面对竞争日趋激烈、瞬息万变的市场经济,各级管理人员迫切需要对不同层次的大量信息迅速作出抉择。这就要求各级管理人员能够从大量复杂的业务数据中获取各自权限内的决策信息,及时把握市场变化的脉搏,作出正确有效的判断。特别是随着数据库系统的逐日运行,数据的堆积将越来越庞大,这种需求就比以往任何时候都更加迫切。从各级决策者的角度来看,数据处理的重点应该从传统的业务过程扩展到对业务数据的联机分析处理,并从中得到面向各种管理主题的统计信息和决策支持信息。 Data Warehouse(数据仓库)就是针对解决上述问题所产生的一种技术方案,是基于大规模数据库的决策支持系统环境的核心。正如数据仓库之父W.H.Inmon所定义的,数据仓库是一个面向主题的、集成的、不可更新的且随时间不断变化的数据集合,用来支持管理人员的决策。 本论文概括地讲述了数据仓库系统的基本概念与基本原理。主要包括数据仓库的结构、数据分割与粒度划分、数据仓库模型、数据仓库中的数据访问方式、数据仓库的各种组织技术、分布式数据仓库、数据仓库与管理人员之间的关系、设计复查以及数据仓库的开发方法等。同时,结合“企业信息中心”系统的开发实践,将数据仓库的设计思想和网络Web发布技术结合到科研项目中,总结出一个可行的数据驱动开发模型,并且解决了开发实践中遇到的各种软硬件难题,对于自行开发数据仓库应用系统,作出了有力的探索。

【Abstract】 With the quick development and application of the computer network and Database technology, the enterprise management enters into the new time. Facing the changing marketing economy in which competition becomes more and more furious, all kinds of managers need firmly to make a decision from the large different information. It requires that managers are able to get complex operation data in their own field, master the direction of marketing and make a good judgment in effect. As the running of database system, data turn bigger and bigger. So the request becomes urgent. According to the stand of decision-making people, emphases of data transaction should be changed from the old operation process into the on-line analyzing process and we can find statistics and decision support information.Data Warehouse is a technological answer to the above problem, which is the corner in circumstance of the decision support system based on huge database. The father of Data Warehouse brings forward a definition: Data Warehouse is compositive data based on subject which cannot be updated but changed with time. It can be used to support manager’s decision.This thesis describes basic conception and principle. It includes structure, data partition, granularity, model, data access, organization, distributing, relationship among manager, design checking, design method about Data Warehouse. At the same time, I put the design ideas and network web publishing technology into a project, and then work out a feasible data-drive model. More importantly, I have succeeded to resolve many difficult problems of software and hardware and explore a new route to the self-design Data Warehouse application system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】1
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