

The Research of Architecture about Design Platform for Mass Customization Based on MC

【作者】 程振波

【导师】 肖刚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 产品定制设计平台是大规模定制MC关键技术之一。本论文以大规模定制生产模式下产品定制设计平台构建方法为研究对象,分析产品定制设计平台与用户定制需求、企业大规模生产之间的关系;研究产品定制设计平台的结构、组成、基本功能以及实现方法;提出以产品定制资源仓库为核心的产品定制设计平台构建体系;在研究定制资源仓库技术基础上,建立用户理解的产品定制模型,应用自组织理论实现用户定制产品的分类管理;并对若干关键技术进行探索,最终开发了一个定时器产品的定制设计平台。 全文分为八章。具体内容如下: 第一章、从顾客(Customer)、市场(Market)、竞争(Competition)出发,描述了大规模定制生产(Mass Customization,MC)模式出现的相关背景,并对国内外学者关于大规模定制生产模式的理论研究进展进行了综述。在此基础上,提出了本论文的研究思路和主要内容。 第二章、介绍大规模定制设计的基本概念和设计流程的变化,讨论大规模定制设计的基本方法和实施情况,并探讨了目前大规模定制设计研究热点以及定制设计平台与大规模定制设计的关系。 第三章、以产品定制设计平台为研究对象,对产品定制设计平台在大规模定制生产MC的地位与功能进行了深入系统的研究。提出了以产品定制资源仓库为核心的产品定制设计平台构建理论体系,探讨了构建定制设计平台需要涉及到的若干关键技术。 第四章、研究资源仓库在定制设计平台中的作用、组成和体系结构,探讨定制资源仓库的设计与管理方法。 第五章、以用户需求到产品功能需求转换规律为基础,分析仓库资源组织与用户个性化需求之间的关系,探索产品功能转换为用户理解的产品定制模型的内在规律,提出了定制元素优化评价的数学模型。 第六章、应用自组织理论,分析用户定制产品多样化与资源仓库有限资源的 一 关系,研究用户驱动的大规模定制生产计划的自组织方法,实现用户定制产品的 生产计划自组织管理。 第七章、对“定时器产品定制设计平台”和“定制产品通用管理工具”的结 构 组成以及功能实现作了详细说明,为论文前面章节的许多思想或方法提供了实 践依据。 第八章、对全文进行了总结,并在总结的基础上,归纳出论文的创新点。同 时,对产品定制设计平台的进一步研究提出了初步设想和展望。

【Abstract】 The design platform for mass customization (DPMC), which is in favor for production in mass as well as satisfies customers’ individuation, is one of the main techniques for enterprises successfully implementing the mass customization. The main objective of this research is to study the structure, function of the DPMC based on an analysis of the relationship between DPMC and mass customization. Construction of the DPMC system with the Warehouse of Customization Resource (WCR) is developed and used to build Customization Model (CM), which is easily caught on by customers. A DPMC of timer have been developed, which is used to determine the applicability of DPMC for different common problems. The contents of the dissertation are summarized as follows:Chapter one is introduction. The background of modern manufacturing development is described by the three facets, which include customer, competition and change. A review of existing literatures of the Mass Customization is summarized. Based on these, the research methods and its main contents are presented.Chapter two presents the concept qf the design for mass customization, and base design methods and implementation for DFMC are studied. The mass customization can be effectively achieved through DFMC.Chapter three studies the structure; function of the DPMC based on an analysis of the relationship between DPMC and MC. Construction of the DPMC system with the Warehouse of Customization Resource (WCR) is researched. The formulation of DPMC enables to provide customer satisfaction with increasing variety and customization without a corresponding increase in cost and lead-time.HiChapter four focus on the architecture of the Warehouse of Customization Resource. The WCR provides a basis to DPMC in order to fulfill the individual requirement of customers. Building and using the Warehouse of Customization Resource are studiedChapter five is related to the Customization Model. The Customization Model is the design interface by customers, which can navigate customers to design their own products. An evaluation mathematics model about customization elements is developed which is based on studies rules of transform from products function to Customization Model.The chapter six is about the management of Customization Product. As a developing branch of systems science, self-organization can be applied to theoretical analyses on the management of Customization Product. Based on the analyses on the characteristics and forming conditions, the system of the management of CP can reach self-organization. The self-organization of management of CP provides the production project with the modes of mass production.Chapter seven is about the application of DPMC. A design platform based on Internet and common platform of management of CP are developed as the examples about the previous chapters.The last chapter is conclusion and outlook. The achievements of the dissertation are summarized, and the innovations are pointed. The future works are put forward.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】12
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