

Research on Computer Aided Quality Assurance System of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Manufacture

【作者】 陈启华

【导师】 陈江;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 化工过程机械, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 锅炉压力容器运行的安全性是全社会普遍关注的重大问题,其制造质量是影响锅炉压力容器安全运行的最重要环节之一。为提高锅炉压力容器制造质量,我国实施了制造单位资格审批制度,各制造企业都建立了严格的锅炉压力容器制造质量保证体系。但实际制造过程中受人为因素等的影响,制造质量保证体系无法得到真正的执行,而书面的质量保证体系成为部分制造企业应付检查的一种手段。因此,如何利用一种技术手段使书面的制造质量保证体系真正起质量保证作用是制造企业和锅炉压力容器安全监察与管理部门都迫切需要解决的重大工程问题。作为浙江省科委重点项目“锅炉压力容器制造质量保证系统软件的研制”研究的一部分,本文针对这一问题开展了研究工作,取得了以下成果: 1) 研究了锅炉压力容器制造质量保证体系,提出了一个适用于我国锅炉压力容器制造企业的质量保证体系模式,并设计了主要质量控制环节的控制流程。 2) 根据提出的质量保证体系模式,研究了计算机辅助锅炉压力容器制造质量保证系统软件的总体结构,以MS SQL SERVER为后台数据库、以Delphi6.0为前端开发工具,采用三层应用程序结构体系设计了计算机辅助锅炉压力容器制造质量保证系统软件,为锅炉压力容器制造企业的质量规划、质量控制、质量评价和质量综合信息管理提供有力工具。 3) 根据锅炉压力容器制造工艺特点,在分析比较各种计算机辅助工艺规划(CAPP)系统优缺点的基础上,采用交互式工艺平台思想设计计算机辅助锅炉压力容器制造工艺设计系统软件,为锅炉压力容器制造过程各种工艺的设计提供了先进而实用的辅助工具。 4) 提出了采用树状数据结构的组织复杂的锅炉压力容器产品零部件管理的思想,并开发了相应的产品树管理模块,使锅炉压力容器制造过程的生产管理形象、明了。此外,还提供了零件工艺设计的版本管理功能。 5) 设计开发了制造企业的工作流管理器,通过该管理器将锅炉压力容器制造过程中的各种信息集成在一起,并根据各种信息处理任务、角色和规则的不同定义信息任务的处理过程。

【Abstract】 The security of boiler and pressure vessel running is an important problem that the whole community pays attention to. The manufacture quality affects boiler and pressure vessel ’s running security. To improve the quality of boiler and pressure vessel’s manufacture quality, in our country, the manufacturer qualification examination system put into effect. To get the produce license, manufacturer must establish a feasible quality assurance system. In fact, for some reason, the quality assurance system can not be implemented strictly. The only use of quality assurance system is for superior or user’s examination.How to make the quality assurance system be implemented strictly and right by technology methods is a greal problem in dire need of resolving for the manufacturer and management department. As a part of the project, Research on computer aided quality assurance system of boiler and pressure vessel manufacture, which is supported by (he Zhcjiang provincial bureau of science and technology, the paper aimed at the problem discussed above, and research results arc as follow:1) By studying the quality assurance of boiler and pressure vessel’s manufacture, a quality assurance system mode fitting for native manufacturer is putted forward in this paper and the quality control flow are designed in detail.2) Based on the quality assurance system mode, the full structure of Computer Aided Quality Assurance System (CAQA) is studied. The MS SQL S1ZRVIIR is used as DBMS, DclphiG.O as development tool in the CAQA system. The three-tiered application program architecture is adopted by the system. The software can aid manufacturer manage the quality plan, quality control, quality evaluation and synthetical quality information.3) After the analysis of the strongpoint and shortcoming of all kind of CAPP system, the CAPP desktop system is adopted to manage.the process document. Based on the characteristic of (he boiler and pressure vessel produce process, the CAPP desktop’s structure and functions arc designed. The CAPP desktop is an advanced and useful tool for person designing process.4) The tree-like data structure is raised to organize the products and parts’ complicated information, and its module is developed. It can make the management more clear and visual. The system also offers the functions to manage (he version of (he part’s process document.5) The manufacturer’s workflow management is designed and developed. The all kind of information in manufacturing procedure arc integrated by workflow management. According to the various types of tasks, roles and rules, disposing process of information mission was well defined.

  • 【分类号】TP391.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253