

Research on Social Role of Contemporary Chinese College Students

【作者】 陈俊峰

【导师】 江立成;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 我国正处于改革开放进一步深化时期。处于这种形势下的当代中国大学生更直接更敏锐地感受到时代变迁对他们的影响。因此,认真研究当代大学生的相关问题就是一项十分必要和迫切的工作。本文从社会角色的角度对当代大学生的思想与行为等问题进行探讨,试图更加深入地分析当代大学生的社会角色问题。 本文重点探讨了三个问题。首先,从分析当代大中国学生的角色类型及其特点入手,阐述了其角色期待、角色学习与角色扮演等问题;其次,重点论述了当代中国大学生的角色失调问题,并论述了相应的角色调适措施;最后,本文分析了大学生网络角色的特点以及其对高校思想政治工作的影响。并且针对网络角色问题,提出了思想政治工作应采取的工作措施。

【Abstract】 At present,reform and opening up is deepening in our country. In this situation,contemporary Chinese college students can feel more directly and sensitively the influence which the changes of age bring. Therefore,It is very necessary and urgent to study seriously the problem of contemporary Chinese college students.From the respect of social role,the thesis discussed the problem of their thoughts and minds and tried to analyze much more carefully and deeply the problem of their social role. The author focused on three questions. At first,the author analyzed the type and characteristics of social role of contemporary college students. Though this,the thesis expounded the problem of expectation of role,study of role and playing of role. Then,the thesis stressed the dislocation of their role and stated the adjustment of their role. Finally,the author set forth the characteristics of network role of college student and pointed out how it affected political and ideological work in college. Furthermore,the author put forward the measurement of political and ideological work aiming at the problem of network role.

  • 【分类号】G645.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1366