

【作者】 居太亮

【导师】 姚佰威;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 这篇论文主要论述了一种低成本大转动惯量高精度的位置伺服系统的实现和基于PCI总线的高速多路数据采集系统的实现,这两个系统已经成功的用在相控阵天线系统中,取得良好的效果。 低成本的大转动惯量位置伺服系统采用步进电动机开环控制方法,利用IXMS150两相混合式步进电动机微步矩专用控制器,成功地设计出整步、半步、4、8、16、32、64、128微步的大功率驱动控制器,并且能够实现电流反馈控制,该驱动器采用恒流斩波PWM控制方式,功率放大电路用功率场效应管搭接的交流全H桥电路,无需把交流转换为直流,输出峰值电流达6A,节约了成本,可以驱动两相混合式130型的步进电动机,并且利用该方法可以设计出峰值电流达数十安的两相混合式步进电动机高细分数驱动控制器,可以应用于130、150系列的两相混合式步进电动机,最大细分数可达250微步。只需将该方案的驱动接口简单修改一下(比如用通用的USB口,串行口或者并行口),就可以做成通用的130(150)型两相混合式步进电动机128(最大250)细分恒流斩波PWM驱动控制器,在国内应用产品市场中同类产品中,对于130、150系列的两相混合式步进电动机还未见细分驱动控制器销售。 基于PCI总线的多路高速数据采集系统,实现了采样速率达20MSPS的32路ADC。在该采集系统中,主要利用了美国PLX公司最新研制出的PCI接口控制器PCI 9030,该芯片可以使局域总线和PCI总线的时钟异步,局域总线可以运行在60MHz,局域数据突发传输速率可达240MBps,PCI总线运行在33MHz,突发传输速率可达132MBps。另外在采集卡上还设计了数据缓存器,以实现对高速数据采集的数据传输要求。同时在该采集卡上还采用了AD公司的低成本高性能高速ADC芯片AD9225,采样速率高达25MSPS。为了节约成本实现32通道ADC,同时还要保证后续处理的方便,采用4个独立的ADC芯片,每一个ADC,8通道共享。实现了低成本高速多路数据采集。该数据采集卡也可以做成通用的高速多路PCI 旺拟源运力爪喻1系统的研制数孤采集卡。介饲内问类产品中,基十PC 总线的数批采集卡己伺卞‘1售,但是还没有这么;幻的采样速度和采样通路,而卜价格也比秋昂兴。例如研华回控的卜([数据采集 PC 1710,理论采样速率仅有1()OKSPS,只何16个通路,·个ADC共享。

【Abstract】 Discussing of a low cost, big moment of inertia, high precision position servo system and a low cost, high speed, multi-channel data acquiring system based on PCI bus have been done in this paper. These two systems have been successfully applied to phased array antenna system, and have gained excellent effect.The low cost, big moment of inertia, high precision position servo system adopts the open loop control in step servo. Using the advanced chip for two phase hybrid step motor micro-step controls-IXMS150, a high power step motor driver which can be operated by full step, half step, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,128 micro-steps was successfully designed. And the driver can implement electric current feedback control. The control way of the constant current chop wave and PWM (pulse wide modulate) was used in the driver. The power magnifier used the AC coupled H-bridge by two N-channel and two P-channel power MOSFETS. We need not converse from AC to DC with the AC coupled H-bridge. The peak value of the output current can be up to 6A, and this makes cost lower. The driver can control two phase hybrid step motor of 130 type (130BYG). Using this way, we can design the step motor driver whose peak value of the output current can be up to tens of ampere and whose each step can be highly subdivided. Only modifying the driver’s interface (such as to USB, serial port or parallel port etc.), a universal two phases hybrid step motor driver of 130 type and 150 type can be acquired which each step can be subdivided into 128 micro-steps (up to 250 micro-steps). This subdividable driver of 130BYG & 150 BYG cannot be acquired in our country’s markets.The multi-channel data acquiring system based on PCI bus has 32 analog channels and its throughput rate is up to 20MSPS. Using the PCI interface chip-PCI 9030, which was newly developed by PLXCo Inc in USA, make the local bus and the PCI bus asynchronism operation. The flexible local bus runs up to 60 MHz and but the PCI bus runs 33 MHz. The local bus burst transfers up to 240 MBps and the PCI bus burst transfers up to 132 MBps. The data buffers are integrated in the system, because of assuring data transfers of high speed data acquire. A low cost, high performance and high speed ADC chip, AD9225 was used, which was developed by AD Co Inc in USA. Its throughput rate is up to 25MSPS. To make cost lower and data process simple and easy, we used four ADC chips and each ADC chip was shared by 8 analog channels. This system can be adopted in universal high speed multi-channel data acquire block based on PCI bus. The data acquire block based on PCI bus can be bought in the domestic market, but its throughput rate can not be up to 20MSPS and its analog channels cannot be up to 32. E.g. PCI 1710 based on PCI bus which was designed by Advanteh Co Inc, its ideal throughput rate is only up to 100KSPS and has only one ADC chip shared by 16 analog channels.

  • 【分类号】TM383
  • 【下载频次】134