

【作者】 曾涛

【导师】 何邦贵;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 机械设计及自动化, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 本文分析了在信息时代,以网络技术为代表的信息技术的迅猛发展给传统制造业带来的冲击与挑战,提出制造业信息化是制造业发展的必由之路。 产品设计是制造业的灵魂,创新是产品设计的灵魂。在制造业信息化的大背景下,本论文选择了基于网络的产品设计作为制造业信息化研究的切入点。在重点研究了创新设计理论和网络CAD技术、网络数据库技术、协作设计技术等关键技术的基础上研制开发了“W-Design设计集成平台”。给出了系统的总体框架、基本功能模块、基于网络的CAD平台、基于网络的设计资源平台以及协作设计等一整套有效的技术解决方案,并成功实现了各功能模块协调、稳定、安全运转。 此外,还从应用级和系统级两方面探讨了系统的安全性与实现。

【Abstract】 During the information era, the rapid development of information technology represented by network technology bring great impact and challenge to the traditional manufacturing industry. So the infomatization of manufacturing industry is the only way of the development of manufacturing industry. This is the idea presented in this dissertation.Product design is the soul of manufacturing industry and innovation is the soul of design. Under the basic background of the infomatization of manufacturing industry , product design based on network is chosen as the touch-in point of the research on manufacturing industry’s infomatization in this dissertation . On the basis by the study of some key technologies such as innovation design theory, web-based CAD technology , web-based database technology , distributed collaborative design technology and so on ,a whole series of effective technology-resolving scheme , including the system general frame ,basic function module , web-based CAD platform , web-based designing resources platform , distributed collaborative design , etc ,has been given out in this dissertation. And each module part can been run collaboratively ,stably and safely.Further more, the security principle and it’s realization from the point of application and system has been discussed.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1275