

【作者】 张绍武

【导师】 丁志强;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题综合了面向对象方法和结构化方法的优点,在面向对象方法中引入数据流图的结构化层次控制机制,研究了一种软件开发方法ROADI,并开发了基于ROADI的实验性CASE环境,同时也探讨ROADI支持可复用构件组装的方法。 ROADI方案解决了“扁平”的面向对象方案中,无法有效地表达系统建模中层次分解、逐步求精的问题。ROADI通过运用对象数据流图的层次结构模型,保证了系统模型分解中各层次结构的数据平衡。本研究在原来的ROADI中引入了XML描述机制,把对象数据流图从Java数据结构映射到XML文件,有利于对象数据流图的存贮与交换,更好地支持系统模型的复用。

【Abstract】 This project researched the ROADf approach that involved benefit from tho object-oriented approach and the traditional structured approach, and develop a CASE tool based on the ROAD I. We also discussed issues about how the ROADI provides support to assembles the reusable components.The ROADI approach provided the solution to the ’flat’ object-oriented modeling approach which can not perform the hierarchical decomposition and refine-step-by-step. The ROADI applies the Object Data Flow Diagram (ODFD) to guarantee that all layers in the object data flow diagram are ’data balance’ , i.e. input and output to each refinement must remain the same. Our research introduced XML to the ROADI, that maps Java data structure of the ODFD to the XML files. The ODFD to store in XML files may get much benefit from the system model reuse.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】70