

The Optimization Control in Cane Sugar Boiling Process

【作者】 杨洁

【导师】 曾祥镇; 吴永康;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 煮糖结晶过程是一非线性、慢时变过程。因其内部机理复杂,再加上其各变量间相互耦合,要想弄清其中某个变量与过饱和度(过饱和度直接影响结晶)间的关系都很困难,更不要说建立其机理模型了。近年来,随着人工智能、人工神经网络的发展,尤其是BP网络在非线性过程的模拟和控制中所显示出的优越性,使它们得到了广泛地应用。 本文采用BP网络对煮糖结晶过程进行建模,并对此网络模型进行了仿真,最后还提出了采用专家系统进行优化控制的简单方案。网络模型的仿真结果表明:该模型能较好地描述过程性能,且其记忆能力和泛化能力明显优于回归模型。

【Abstract】 Cane Sugar’s boiling and crystallisation is an non-linear and slowly time-varied process. Because its internal mechanism is complex, and its each variable is coupled with others, It is difficult to make the supersaturation (which affect Crystallisation directly)clear, saying nothing of establishing its mechanism model. In recent years, with the development of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Network(ANN) technology, the neural network especially BP Network is used successfully in the identification and control of the complicated process.The main work of the thesis is to model and simulate the process of Cane Sugar’s crystallisation . In the end, I have also put forward a simple scheme to optimize by Expert System. The simulation result shows that the model can describe the performance of process perfectly, and its prediction and generalization abilities are superior to the recurrent model.

  • 【分类号】TP29
  • 【被引频次】7
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