

【作者】 马洪

【导师】 唐广良;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 经济法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 论文共分四部分,第一部分介绍了因特网的背景及因特网涉及的版权问题。首先介绍了因特网的社会背景和技术背景,接着回顾了版权发展的历史,进而引出网络的特点及其对版权的冲击,网络时代版权保护的争议,然后阐述版权保护的重要性。 第二部分论述了因特网对版权提出的新问题并论述新的解决方案。因特网上最常见的行为,如浏览、存取和超文本链接改变了传统的阅读方式及信息交流方式,对传统版权的概念、理论提出了诸多的新问题。版权的主要权利,如复制权、传播权都有了新的涵义。 因特网引发的一个主要的基础性的问题是短暂的偶尔的存储是否构成版权意义上的复制。各国及国际组织对此产成了严重的分歧。国际上有所谓低保护主义和高保护主义两派不同的意见。正文有详细论述。 WIPO多次外交会议表明,对作品的固定是复制概念的基本内涵,但什么是(?)固定〃,根据WPPT第2条(c)项,(?)固定〃是指(?)使声音或声音再现的物化,从而可以通过某种设备感知、复制或传播该声音〃。 中国版权法中缺少对网络时代如何保护版权的专门规定,没有暂时复制的位置。 由于网络传输的特点是向公众传输,版权人及有关权人迫切希望对此加以控制,并收获由此带来的利益。美国的法律、澳大利亚的法律建议赋予权利人公开表演权,以在新的传播条件下保护他们的利益。欧盟1996年的续绿皮书针对网络上按需传输,建议用向(?)公众传播的权利〃协调成员国对网络传输的立场。国际公约对向公众传播权有扩大保护的趋势。WIPO版权条约(WCT)和表演和唱片条约(WPPT)对公众传输权(The(?)Right of making availableto the public〃)也有相应的规定。 第三部分论述了因特网的版权保护热点对象及其保护方式。软件、数据库、技术措施和权利管理信息是因特网上版权保护的热点问题,也是本文论述的重点。因特网一方面打破了地域和时间的限制是信息在全球范围内迅速传播,另一方面,版权人对因特网上的权利控制深感忧虑,于是,出现了数据库的特殊权利保护(sui genris)、技术措施和权利管理信息等权利扩张趋势,但是无论权利如何扩张都不应违背版权保护的宗旨,不应改变权利人的利益与公众利益的平衡,不能在权利人收获因特网带来的巨大利益的同时剥夺公众获取信息、利用信息和智力创造的自由。 (一)软件作品及其保护 在软件的版权保护初期,美国国内就已经有人提出疑义,认为版权法并不适合于软件保护。欧盟的软件保护注重作者刻印在作品上的个性。随着国际软件产业竞争的日益激烈,法国的法院在软件的独创性判断问题上有了较大松动;已生效的欧盟软件保护指令第1条第3款规定,软件的独创性判断只看其是否为作品独立的智力创造,而不适应用其他判断标准。 我国的软件保护,根据1991年国务院发布的(?)计算机软件保护条例〃对软件给予版权保护。 从国际版权界的发展动向来看,在理论上并不适合用版权保护的软件恐怕在未来相当长的时间内还会一直作为作品而被版权保护。尽管如此,目前已经初步显露的软件版权保护的弊端,将有可能随着因特网的进一步发展而扩大和加深,最终会给软件产业的发展带来不良影响。 (二)数据库的保护 在数据库保护问题上,版权传统与作者权传统之间存在分歧。在版权传统,尤其是美国的版权法中,以1991年的费斯特一案为分界线,之前,额头出汗和辛勤收集原则一直长期适用,数据库的独创性要求非常低,不要求内容的选择和安排必须具有独创性;之后,大多数 数据库,即依照客观标准对事实信息进行选择的数据库将无法得到版权保护。作者权传统一 直坚持,只有内容的选择和安排构成智力创作,符合独创性要求的数据库才能得到作者权的 保护。由此引发一个备受关注的问题。那些因缺乏独创性而无怯得到版权保护的数据库具有 不可忽视的商业价值,相应地,也就有保护其投资的必要性。 对此,欧美和世界知识产权组织纷纷采取了措施,建立独立于版权保护的促进数据库投 资的新的保护体制。1996年欧盟颁布了数据库指令首止为非作品的数据库产业者提供特殊权 利(sui generis right)保护。这种保护完全不同丁版权的权利,保护体现制作者的实质性 投人的部分内容。美国对欧盟指令作出了反映,体现在。皿阮3卜法案中。 在数据库国际保护层次上日前保留下来的只有一个u数据库条约草案",将美欧两个建议 的内容综合在一起。条约草案意在建立一种完全独立于现有版权体系之外的特殊保护体系。 但在国际上全面建立数据库特殊保护体系是很难实现的。我国对此持反对态度。 (三)技术措施和权利管理信息 技术措施和权利管理信息是版权人采取的权利保护及标示措施,不仅保护柞品以免被他 人擅自访问、复制、操纵、散发、传播,而且保持了作品的完?

【Abstract】 This paper is composed of four parts. Part I,there is an introduction of the social and technical background of the internet. It analyzes the influence that internet has brought to the copyright and disputes on if copyright is enough to protect the new issues arising from internet. Then it emphasis the importance of copyright protection in the internet era.Part II focuses on analysis of the new issues that internet has brought to copyright and give my solutions to these issues. The traditional way of reading and communication have teen changed by the internet with new methods such as browsing,caching and hyper-text links. The traditional conceptions of copyright such as copy and communication to the public have to be renewed and modified.The fundamental conception of copyright is copying. The issue of whether the conception of copying in the past includes short and occasional copying through the internet remains a diverge from country to country. There are two different opinions on this subject internationally. You may find the analysis in the paper.It was indicated in the WIPO Diplomatic Conference in 1996 that the basic connotation of copying is to make something stable enough to be felt or copied or spread with facilities.There have not been found any law or regulations on copyright protection in internet in China,let alone copy temperately.The copyright owners strongly ask for the right to control and benefit the right of making available to the public through internet. There have been some acts on the protection of the copyright of making available to the public in the U.S.A and Australia,EEC and WIPO Treaties suchasWCTandWPPT.Part III is the core of this paper which gives a detailed description on the rights that are protected by the copyright in internet era and the way of protection. These rights include software and database and technological method and right managing message and sui genris database protection . Internet makes it true for messages to spread promptly worldwide,while makes the copyright holder worried about losing their rights on controlling the copyright. The right of the copyright holders has extended to the area of the public,which may break the balance of the privacy and the public. The public may herein after lost the freedom to get the intellectual property and use as well.i. SoftwareIn the early days when software was protected by the copyright in the USA,there had been objections stated that copyright should not be adapted to software protection. The EEC protects the personal imprint in the work but it was no more than criteria for a work according to the stipulations in the European Software Protection Directive clause one.hi China,software are protected by "The Computer Software Protection Statute".Though it is abused the software to be protected under copyright theoretically,it may not be changed for a long time. The side influence of it will be seen soon.ii. DatabaseOn the issue of database protection,the copyright based countries diverge from those of author based traditionally. For the copyright based countries,"Head Sweat" and "Due Diligent Collection" had been used before the famous "Feist Case",especially in the United States. Therewas little creative request for the database.But ever since the "Feist Case",those database without creation could no longer be protected under copyright. That is to say,copyright did not protect the database integrated with only material information any long. As to the author based countries,it had been a basic element that there were creations among the collections and arrangements of the information.How can the database with high commercial value be protected for the investment in it on condition it can not be protected under copyright?There had been a new system called the "sui generis right" in Europe to protect the database. You may also find the similar regulations in the American Act HR3531 and "Draft Database Treaty" internationally. As one of the developing countries,China abused this tr

【关键词】 因特网版权暂时复制软件数据库技术措施和权利管理信息
【Key words】 InternetCopyrightWipoSui genris
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
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