

【作者】 齐凌峰

【导师】 王松奇;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 金融学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 2000年4月份以来,中国证监会多次表示:已就设立创业板市场做了充分的准备工作,一旦立法方面和技术方面的准备完成就会尽快出台,从而使创业板这一研究热点随着市场诞生的日趋临近不断升温,但我们也应清醒的看到,创业板市场的推出不仅为我国整体经济的发展,尤其是为具有高新技术含量和有发展前景的成长型中小企业的发展提供了良好机遇,同时由于现阶段我国的市场经济仍然是一种尚未实现彻底转轨和彻底改革的不成熟的市场经济,中国证券市场是一个新兴的、不成熟的市场,创业板市场中的上市公司更是新兴的、不成熟的公司,因此,中国创业板市场的设立,将不可避免地面临着一系列重大的挑战,本文《世界主要证券市场交易制度研究暨我国创业板交易制度的设想》正是在这种大背景下进行写作的,希望能为即将设立的创业板市场交易制度构架方面提供一些具体的思路。 本文共分为四个部分,现将主要内容摘要如下: 第一部分在大致介绍世界各主要证券市场交易制度发展沿革的基础上引入创业板市场这一研究主题,指出以美国NASDAQ为代表的证券场外交易自身有一个从小到大,从初级到高级,从混乱到规范的过程,大体可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是自然形成的店头市场;第二阶段是以证券交易所为中心的集中交易市场的形成,并排斥甚至禁止场外交易;第三阶段是证券交易所与场外交易市场共同存在,共同发展的时期。在这一时期,由于科学技术尤其是电于技术的发展,场外交易市场建立在电子网络上,随着电子网络的不断发展和完善,场外交易市场的交易成本大大降低。正是1971年美国率先采用电子计算机网络技术建成NASDAQ,标志着现代场外交易市场的产生,从而使场外交易进入了一个全新的阶段。作为现代场外交易的一种典型,美国的NASDAQ模式代表着一种证券交易的国际发展趋势,具有以下特点:1、没有统一的交易场所。是一种典型的没有交易大厅,没有固定交易地点的证券交易方式;2、交易方式灵活。证券交易基本上是投资者与自营商之间,自营商双方之间的一对一的直接交易,交易没有佣金,没有数量起点和单位限制,参与者可以是个人,也可以是机构。形成一种广泛的综合交易关系。3、做市商制度。现代场外交易市场中,最显著的特点是建立和完善做市商制度(也称庄家制度)。做市商(Market maker)极大地提高了资金的流动性。 第二部分主要是对世界各主要证券市场交易制度进行了详尽的比较研究,首先从交易原理上把证券市场的具体交易制度划分为两种情况,一种是报价驱动方式,另一种是报单驱动方式。报价驱动方式下的两种主要制度有双向报价的柜台交易和做市商制度;报单驱动方式下的两种主要制度为逐笔撮合方式(又称连续竞价)和分盘撮合方式(又称为集合竞价),当前世界主要证券市场的交易制度往往是报价驱动和报单驱动相结合的。然后为进一步说明不同交易制度的特点,文中以上海证券交易所,纽约证券交易所和NASDAQ市场为例加以具体比较,指出前两个市场均是场内集中交易市场,但交易模式不同,上交所是完全由电脑撮合的自动电于交易,纽交所是以电脑辅助由专家经纪人主持的人工交易;而NASDAQ市场则起源于场外柜台交易,迄今本质上仍是一个交易商巾场(Dealer’s marlet)。 第三部分对世界主要证券市场交易制度进行了综合评价。首先从交易方式、价格发现机制、竞价方式、撮合手段、交易主体等方面对上海证券交易所、纽约证券交易所和NASDAQ市场的交易模式做了具体的比较和评价;并基于其各自模式的运厅特点,指出由子交易商的信息垄断地位和市场透明度不同、机构投资者的介入程度和市场流动性不同、交易的核心环节和监管要求不同而导致其不同的市场功能和监管特色。然后对采用报价驱动的做市商制度的纳斯达克市场(NASDAO)、伦敦证券交易所的另项投资市场*I回)、欧盟的oDAQ市场和采用报单驱动的集中竟价制度的香港联交所创业板、日本创业板的交易制度分别进行了具体分析。指出创业板市场的发展效果如何,关键不在于一定选择何种交易制度,而在于所选择的交易制度是否与本国市场的需求和条件相适应。 第四部分在前三部分论述的基础上提出我国创业板市场交易制度构架的一些具体思路。指出目前大部分主板市场都采用集合竟价方式(报单驱动),而大部分西方二板市场都采取了做市商制(拷贝NASDAO市场),但绝大部分新兴市场(包括前不久刚设立的香港创业板),他们一般采用在交易所内的报单驱动的竟价方式,这主要是由于通常在制度建设,监管手段等方面有诸多不足,出于安全的考虑。借鉴世界上各种交易制度尤其是美国NASDAq市场做市商制度并结合我国国情进行具体分析后,笔者认为,在我国全面实行做市商制度的条件尚不成熟,但为了长远发展的需要,我们可以在创业扳市场进行试点,根据试点惰况做出适当的选择,即逐步采取一种混合式的交易制度,具体而言,分三步走:第一步在创业板初期实行报单驱动制度;第二步在创?

【Abstract】 Studies on the Growth Enterprise Board (GEB) market is getting more and more heated ever since April. 2000,while the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) announced that a second board will be opened immediately after the related preparations on legislation and technical arrangements are completed. Kith such support from the government,we may see that the emerging GEB will bring better opportunities for the whole economy,especially for the small-and medium-sized high technology companies. Meanwhile,the transformation and reform of Chinese market economy is not completed yet,Chinese security market is still an emerging,immature one,even more immature are the listing companies in the coming GEB market. Therefore,the creation of the GEB market will unavoidably encounter a series of great challenges. This dissertation "Study on the trading system of the major world stock markets-a vision on the trading system of the China Growth Enterprise Board Market" is presented on such background,we hope it will help to provide some beneficial clues on the trading system of the imminent GEB market. The whole dissertation is developed in four segments:1. In the first part we introduce development of the trading system of the world major stock markets,focusing on GEB market. From quick expansion of the American NASDAQ market,we can see that the over-the-counter market (OTC) is developing from small to large,junior to senior,disordered to regulated. This process can further divided into three stages:the first stage is naturally formed over-the-counter market. The second stage is centralized trading marketplace represented by stock exchanges,where over-the-counter trade is forbidden. The third stage where the stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets co-exist. Now with the fast development of the high technology,especially electronic technology,a great deal of the OTC trading is through the electronic network,which helps to reduce transaction cost dramatically. In 1971,the Americans take the first step to use the automatic electronic network to assist the stock trade,so NASDAQ founded,which marked the emergence of the modern OTC market,a brand new stage of the over-the-counter transaction. NASDAQ represents the world direction of the security trade mode. It can be characterized as follows:1. screen-based market structure with no fixed trading places. 2. flexible trading node,where stocks are basically traded between investors and dealers,or between dealers,with no commissions,no amount limitations,market participants may be individuals or institutions,thus forming a broad,extensive competing trade network. 3. Mechanism of market maker. In modern OTC market,the most distinct way of trading is the mechanism of the market maker,which improves market liquidity greatly.2. In the second part we focus on trading systems of the world major stock markets. Basically there are two kinds of trading activities:quotation-driven trading mode and order-driven trading mode. Under the first type,two-way quotation-driven and market maker mode are the common trading activities. Under the second type,there are also two major trading activities:successive pricing and aggregated auction. Current trading systems in the major world stock market is mostly like the combination of the quotation-driven and order-driven. Then to further clarify the difference of the world major trading systems,we compare Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE),New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ,finding that SSE and NYSE are both floor-based centralized exchanges markets,but they have different trading systems. In SSE,transactions completed through computer-matched automatic trading systemwhile in NYSE transactions are presided by the expert broker assisted by the computer. However,NASDAQ can be traced from the OTC market,and up to now it is a dealer’s market in nature.3. In third part we evaluate the main trading systems of the world major stock markets comprehensively. A general comparison and evaluation is made on the field of trading activity,prici

【关键词】 创业板交易制度设想
【Key words】 Growth Enterprise BoardTrading SystemVision
  • 【分类号】F831.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】559