

【作者】 何俊华

【导师】 邹大炎;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 蔡元培是中国近代著名的民主革命家、教育家和科学家,同时也是我国现代心理学的先驱和倡导者。他的一生,除旧布新,锐意改革,积极进取,勇于开拓,为发展中国的教育文化事业作出了不可磨灭的贡献。本文仅就他的健全人格教育心理思想这一理论进行了探讨。主要运用文献分析的方法,从理论基础、社会背景、理论内涵、实施途径、蔡元培的伟大人格等几个方面进行了深入的研究。培养人们的健全人格是这一理论的目的。为了实现这个目的,蔡元培在“尚自然,展个性”的教育观指导下,提出了教育要在“思想自由,兼容并包”的前提下,进行因材施教。不仅要注意儿童的身心发展顺序,而且还要了解不同学生的个性特点,最大程度的促进他们在个性与群性,身与心,德、智、体、美与世界观三方面的协调发展。此外,任何时期的教育都是为那个时期的社会服务的,蔡元培的健全人格教育心理理论也不例外。他希望通过体育、智育丰富人们的知识,增进智慧和创造力,进而提高人们的物质生活;通过德育、美育、世界观教育提高人们的道德水平,克服生活中的“营求之心”和“人我差别”,最终进入自由的、理想的实体世界,达到改造社会的目的。 蔡元培的健全人格教育心理理论是在半殖民地半封建社会的旧中国开出的一枝教育之花,为我国的近代教育史增添了光彩,具有划时代的意义。这一理论包含了古今中外多来源的文化底蕴,对于我们今天社会的发展具有重要的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Cai yuan-pei is a famous democratic reformer, educator and scientist in Chinese modem history, and he is also a pioneer and advocate of Chinese modern psychology. In his whole life, he had always been vigorously reforming, actively pursuing, and fearlessly pioneering and finally had made an ineffaceable dedication to the development of Chinese education and culture. This article only focuses on discussing his theory of perfect personality in educational psychology. Using the method of literature-analyzing, it makes a penetrating study from the aspects of theoretical foundations, social backgrounds, theoretical essences, applied approaches and Cai yuan-pei’s great personality. The goal of the theory is to develop people’s perfect personality. To achieve the goal, guided by the educational idea of "advocating nature and showing personality ", Cai-yuanpei proposed that education should be carried out according to individual’s differently actual qualifications under the premise of freethinking and all-inclusion. Not only the order of children’s development in both body and soul should be paid attention, but also the characteristics of different students’ personalities should be known, in order to prompt the harmonious development of the three aspects of "personality and sociality", "body and soul" and "virtue, intelligence, body, beauty and Weltanschauung". In addition, education in any time is always to service the society in that time, soas Cai yuan-pei’s theory of perfect personality of educational psychology. He hoped to enrich people’s knowledge and advance people’s intelligence and creativity by physical education and intellectual education, so as to improve people’s material life; and to enhance people’s moral level and overcome the "greedy heart" and the "differences between other and me" by virtue education, beauty education, and Weltanschauung education so as to finally entering the free and ideal world and achieving the goal of social reform.Cai yuan-pei’s wholesome personality theory of educational psychology is like a flower blossoming on the land of half colonial half feudal China, bring added luster to Chinese modern educational history and opening a new era. This theory includes different cultures both originated from antiquity and today and from outdoors and indoors, which has very important referring significance to the development of our today’s society.

  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】556