

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 裴德华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 体育消费属于生活性消费,是指使用物质资料和劳务以满足人们的体育需求的个人消费支出。体育消费只要在初步解决了温饱的社会才能萌芽,在小康社会才能活跃,在富裕社会才能繁荣,这是经济发展的普遍规律。随着居民5天工作日的实施,人们闲暇时间的增多;全民健身计划的实施和普及;《中华人民共和国体育法》的颁布和推广等等都为居民提供了进行体育消费的机会和条件。另外,社会主义商品经济的发展和体育改革的进一步深化,体育锻炼由不花钱或少花钱的传统观念向“自愿花钱买健康、自娱自乐、追求幸福健康长寿”转变。 河北省城镇居民的平均生活水平已达到小康标准,健身、健美、娱乐休闲已成为当今生活的时尚,体育消费已逐渐成为生活消费的一个重要组成部分。从经济学角度看,更好的培育体育市场,大力发展体育产业,必将成为促进未来经济增长的一个重要方面。而只有更好的了解体育消费现状才能制定切实可行的对策,从而为促进我省体育市场更加健康繁荣的发展。 据国家体育总局1997年对我国社会体育现状的调查表明:我国体育人口呈马鞍型,即青少年与老年人群体育人口比例显著高于中年人群。而中年群体是推动社会进步的中坚力量,是社会财富的主要创造者,他们的健康状况直接关系到社会财富的创造、社会家庭的稳定幸福,同时,特定的职业角色,决定了他们在经济上有足够的实力投入体育消费,而且这一特定因素是青少年与老年群体所不及的。所以,研究这一群体的体育消费情况对全民健身运动的进一步开展普及,增长体育产业的经济效益可以提供充分的实证依据。 李丽 二皿二届硕士研究主毕业论文 我国对体育消费的研究起步较晚,关于体育消费的研究仍处 于初始阶段。目前,大多数体育消费的研究主要是从今经济学、 社会学角度对部分地区整体人群的体育消费做出概括分析。而真 正从不同年龄段群体层面进行分析的文章并不多见,尤其是我省 在该年龄段体育消费的研究更是尚属首例。 本文采用文献资料研究法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、和逻辑分 析等方法,对我省城市中年群体参加体育锻炼和体育消费的现状”作了较为全面的分析,其中主要包括:参加体育锻炼的总体情况、 经常参加体育锻炼的场所、喜爱的体育项目、体育价值观、居民 余暇时间及其支配方式、体育消费价值量、体育消费占整个生活 性消费支出的比率、体育消费水平及结构、影响和激发中年群体 体育消费的因素等。通过对中年群体这一特殊层面的体育消费的 现状的分析,提出了相关对策,为进一步提高中年群体身体素质 和体育消费水平,以及体育市场的投入方向起到了一定的指导作 用,使“体育”和市场之间架起一座良性循环的桥梁,使大众体 育更加健康持久的发展尽微薄之力。

【Abstract】 The sport consumption belongs to the living consumption. It is defined as personal expense that using the material document and labour meet people’s sport need. It’s universal law of economical development that sport consumption can rise only in the society where people’s eating and dressing have been solved, can be active in the "xiaokang" society, and can be prosperous in the rich society. In addition, with the development of socialist commodity economy and sport reform, body exercise has changed from the traditional idea of "spending voluntarily money to buy healthy entertain themselves and pursue happy, health and long life." The increasing of people’s free time and all-people body exercise etc provide people with the opportunity of sport consumption.The people average living standard in city in our province has reached the standard of "xiaokang". The body exercise, entertainment have been popular in consumption now. The sport consumption has become gradually a part of living consumption. According to the economics, the better culture of sport market and big development of sport industry must be important aspect on promoting the economical increasing in our province. Only the current situation of sport consumption is known, can we build practical policy, therefore, provide base to the better development of sport market.According to the investigation of State Sport General Administration of China, to the current social sport situation in our county in 1997. In the sport population of our county, young is obvious more than old. But, the middle age people are main force of promoting the society to progress, and main creator of social wealth.Their health has directive relation with the creation of social wealth, and solid and happy of society and families. Meanwhile, the special profession role decides they have enough money for sport consumption. Further more, the special factor is better than the young and old group.The research of our country to sport consumption is late. The research about sport consumption is still beginning phase. Nowadays a majority of research about sport consumption mainly analyze the whole people in part zones from economics and socialist. While the articles which makes deep analyses to different aged group are not many. The research to the sport consumption in this age in our province is the first one.By the way of investigation, the dissertation made the all-round analyses to the middle age group attending sport exercise and consumption in our province, including the whole situation of attending sport exercise, the people’s proportion of profession and record of formal schooling, the arena of sport, the favorite project, the sport idea, the free time and its enjoyment way, the valuable amount of sport consumption, the percentage of the sport consumption in living one, the level and construction of the sport consumption, the factors of affecting and stimulating the sport consumption. Through the research to the middle aged group’s port consumption, I made the countermeasure, in order to direct the further improvement of middle aged group’s body quality and level of sport consumption and the investment direction of sport market. Therefore, it helps to build a good bridge between sport and market, and make the public sport develop well.

【关键词】 体育消费中年群体现状对策
【Key words】 The middle aged groupSport consumptionCountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G80-05
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】710