

Study on Molecular Mechanism of Obesity Prevention and Treatment by Exercises

【作者】 张雪琳

【导师】 何玉秀;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会文明的发展与进步,物质生活水平不断提高,体重超过标准的肥胖者越来越多,已成为当今世界所面临的严峻的公共健康问题。过于肥胖不仅影响外观形象,给工作生活带来诸多不便,且与冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、高血压、糖尿病及某些肿瘤的发生密切相关。因此,防治肥胖已成为提高人们健康水平的重要研究课题。有氧运动作为防肥减肥的一种合理手段已被广泛认可,随着科学研究手段的进步以及研究层次的不断拓展与深入,研究发现,骨骼肌UCP3很可能是影响运动时能量消耗及运动后静息代谢率的重要因素之一。 本实验旨在通过观察不同形式的急性有氧运动(跑台运动和游泳运动)对SD雄性大鼠骨骼肌UCP3mRNA表达水平的影响及急性有氧运动后骨骼肌UCP3mRNA过表达的时相性变化规律,分析骨骼肌UCP3mRNA表达水平与脂肪分解相关指标(血FFA和血Leptin)之间的内在联系,为科学的选择运动方式、强度、持续时间、练习时间间隔、练习频率,制订防肥减肥健身运动处方提供理论依据。 结果表明:(1)急性有氧运动(跑台运动和游泳运动)确实可以通过提高骨骼肌UCP3mRNA表达水平,起到防治肥胖的作用;(2)不同形式的急性有氧运动对骨骼肌UCP3mRNA表达水平的影响程度不同,游泳运动与跑台运动相比更能促进骨骼肌UCP3mRNA表达,这可能与游泳运动所处的特殊的水环境有关,可能在运动强度和刺激形式上游泳与跑台运动有所差别所致;(3)急性有氧运动对骨骼肌UCP3mRNA表达水平产生时相性影响,且这种影响受到许多因素的制约,包括运动形式、运动强度、血游离FFA浓度、禁食状态、激素水平等。

【Abstract】 With the development of society and the increasing living standard, the incidence of obesity is increasing year by year, which has been a serious human health problem in the world. Obesity prevention and treatment has been a principal task to improve human health. As a method to treat obesity, aerobic exercise has been accepted extensively. With the extension of scientific research methods, it suggests that UCP3 of skeletal muscle is likely to one of the most important factors to affect energy consume during exercise and resting metabolic rate after exercise.The purpose of this experiment is to observe the influence of different acute aerobic exercises on UCP3mRNA expression level of SD male rat and analyze internal relation between UCP;imRNA expression level and content of serum FFA and serum Leptin. This research provide theoretical basement to scientifically select pattern, intension, duration, interval, frequency of exercises, and make, reasonable exercise prescription.The results show that (1) acute aerobic exercise can treat obesity by up-regulate UCPjnRNA expression; (2) different acute aerobic exercises have different effects on UCP3mRNA expression, swimming exercise can up-regulate UCP3mRNA expression more than treadmill running, this maybe relevant to special environment of swimming exercise. Additionally it may be different from treadmill exercise in intension and stimulation ; (3) Acute aerobic exercises have periodic effect on muscle UCPjmRNA expression, which is affected by many factors including exercise pattern, intention, fast, serum FFA, hormone level.

【关键词】 肥胖解偶联蛋白游离脂肪酸瘦素
【Key words】 obeseUCP3FFALeptin
  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】485