

Research of the Quantitative Evaluation of Bids and Decision Surpport System

【作者】 王小玲

【导师】 黄文杰;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力(北京)大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 评标是建设工程招标全过程中的重要环节,本文对定量评标涉及的要素选择、权重确定、综合评价问题进行了全面系统的分析和研究,在此基础上开发出了评标决策支持系统和应用软件。针对目前国内工程招标中评标指标体系不够科学合理和完整,笔者通过实地调查和研究,分类归纳出大量建筑工程中评标影响要素,建立了具有递阶层次结构的评标指标体系,尽可能全面、完整,使其具有通用性,适用于各类建筑工程项目的评标。在确定权重的众多方法中重点研究了层次分析法和特尔菲法,对其基本原理、数学模型和适用性进行了对比分析。综合评价部分,即建立衡量有效总体水平的评价函数,一种为线形加权和函数法,工程评标中体现为综合打分法;另一种为模糊综合评价法。模糊数学为模糊问题的定量化提供了数学语言和定量方法。本文运用模糊综合评判进行多目标最优工程评标,可实现定量化决策,值得推广。评标决策支持系统利用评标知识和综合评价模型,通过计算机分析和模拟,辅助解决评标过程中半结构化和非结构化的决策问题。该评标软件以win98为工作平台,采用Delphi6.0作为软件开发工具,灵活、方便、实用,可实现以下功能:1.实现初评和详评功能,提供多种评标方法以供选择,得出直观、有效的评价信息;2.可进行信息化管理,具有对工程资料的浏览、修改、添加、删除的维护功能,提高招标工作效率。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the decision making process of bid evaluation is studied. Quantitive analysis is a critical problem in that procedure. This paper gives systimatical analysis to the establishment of evaluation index system and the determination of their weights,which are key problems to the choice of the alternatives.As a result, a hierarchy stucture model of evaluation index is set up which consists of commerce,consruction scheme and contractor’s ability. The basic conception of Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Delphi method are introduced to the index weights determination. The comprehensive evaluation is a kind of activities widely undertaken in fields of science ,economy and manegement. The Fuzzy Theory is applied to the synthetic bid evaluation method. Finally, based on the study about mathematical model for bid evaluation , the software of Decision Surport System for Bid Evaluation is developed which can improve the scientists and preciseness of the procedure of bid evaluation.

  • 【分类号】F282
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】249