

Psychoethical Analysis of Internet Behaviour

【作者】 马恒平

【导师】 李锐锋;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 网络作为人类迄今为止最高效的交往方式和传播媒介,它广泛而深刻地改变着人的生活方式。在人们的工作、学习和生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。但网络在带给人类福音的同时,也给人类带来了威胁和困惑,主要体现在网络诈骗、网络黑客、网络知识侵权、网络色情、和网络沉溺等方面,这些不良的网络行为导致了网络生态危机。本文就这一问题,运用心理学、伦理学和马克思哲学的基本原理,对网上不良行为进行了心理剖析,并提出了相应的伦理道德建设的建议,试图用社会的伦理规范来保证人性的正确疏导,使网民的行为符合社会公众利益,以维护网络生存空间的秩序,促进网络技术的健康发展。 本文从以下几个方面开展了自己的分析研究。在第一章导言中,提出了研究的必要性和本课题的研究目的以及国内外关于这个问题的研究现状。在第2章中指出,一人一机的网络独处环境,要求人们必须能够做到“慎独”。作者认为,传统的“慎独”在科技时代仍然有着重要的价值,但是,它的含义和适用的范围已极大地扩展了。由于网络独处已经成为普通公众的一种生活方式,因此,慎独已不再是君子高尚的道德行为,而是网络人应遵循的伦理底线。在第3章中,文章阐述了网络上信息欺诈的表现和严重性,并分析了网络上信息欺诈产生的原因,在此基础上,提出了网络信息欺诈的防范问题。并尝试通过不同渠道寻求网络信用体系的建立。第4章作者讨论了网络交往行为,认为网络交往是一种人与人之间通过网络的沟通,是新型的社会互动行为。作者结合目前哲学界对“主体间性”的探讨,指出网络交往中出现的问题在于网络交往的不对称性,指出网络上不对称性交往行为的原因,并提出应对网络交往行为进行正确引导。第5章中,作者主要分析了网上黑客现象和黑客文化,通过对黑客文化成因的心理伦理分析,提出了网络黑客应该遵循的行为准则,并呼吁黑客应通过高超的网络技术对营造和谐的网络环境做出贡献。 通过以上分析研究,本文得出的第一个结论是:网络信息技术促进了东西方文化的交流与合作,而且尽管存在现实的矛盾,共享信息和平等的观念正在实现。第二个结论是,独处的网络环境为人的自己属性得以发泄和流逝提供了便利条件,使人们忘记了社会生活中应有的一些伦理规范,这才导致了各种不良的网络行为的发生。所以,在信息网络时代要正确引导人们的自然属性。本文的研究方法是从网络人的心理角度开展对网络上不良行为的研究,并提出相应的伦理建设的建议。

【Abstract】 Internet, as the widest and most efficient communication tool and broadcasting media till now for the human being , is now and will be changing every aspects of human society.Internet plays a more and more important role in human life. Problems loom large at every levels of psychology .These come as default, hacker, copyright, sex, privacy and indulgence on the internet. These ill net behaviours which are against info-based cyberspace directly lead to internet ecocrisis. With this problem, the author analysizes wrongdoings on the internet from the angle of psychoethics. intending to find the reason, when using with psychology ethics and basic principles of maxisim .he pays attention to ethical building .the author tries to lead the human nature rightly with social ethical norms, making the netmen behave for the social benefit all.So we could maintain sound internet setting and get internet technology to develop healthilyThis essay sets out to do with the research with the following aspects. In chapter 1, we bring out the necessity, research aim and the state we are dealing with our research .In the second chapter of the main body, the author thinks, with info uploaded by netmen , there may be some defaults.When people are facing the computer screen on their own , do they really adopt the "loneliness awareness" of ancient times? The author takes that this value still holds life in this science and technology times. But we should enlarge it to a wider population and to an deeper degree. Since being internet loneliness has been a life style for the people , this will bring more changes to the social life. In chapter 3, the essay does much work on this by resorting to seek reasons and to try establishing measures against info defaults. But we all know that we , in China, still get no standard credit system , let alone internet credit system. So there ought to be a chance to achieve both at the same time. In chapter 4, the author discusses internet communication, he thinks this is a new way to communicate by people through computer on the net. In chapter 5, he works to find a proper principle for the technological cowboys who known as hackers , It is the principle of "benefit all". He still suggests the hackers to contribute to the sound development of the internet instead of destroying it by overuse or wrongdoings.With the above analysis, The first conclusion is : This internet infotech times comes as a result of global cultural combination trend .the east and the west come together culturally. With more and more emphasis put on the development of internet technology and more and more people go surfing on the net. This idea of equality and share of info turns to be true .The second conclusion is : Human nature needs right leading in the net times. The behaviours on the internet take on the looks human nature of technological times from every side.only by sound research of it , can we be sure of it .On the net, the enveloped life makes people get lost of ethical norms in social life .But the social production force is too weak to support the material and spiritual demands. So this leads more cheating. Then , we get the conclusion that , we should rightly direct human nature when the info times comes. The method I adopt is , by psychology! to do ethical analysis of net wrongdoings, and to provide corresponding ethical suggestions.

  • 【分类号】B82
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