

The Investigation on the Location Word as Complement in Classical Chinese

【作者】 余贞皎

【导师】 吴辛丑;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 处所词语是汉语名词中比较特殊的一个类别,它既可以出现在句首充当主语或状语,也可以跟在谓语动词后面作补语或宾语。语法学界对前一个问题进行过比较深入的研究,而对后一个问题研究较少,成果不多,这不能不说是处所词语研究的一个缺憾。 《左传》、《史记》是我国上古时期最有代表性的历史著作。本文以这两本著作为出发点,对其中出现的处所词语作补语的情况进行穷尽性的调查,全面分析处所词语作补语的句式特点,深入挖掘处所词语作补语的深层语义关系及其变换形式,并通过《左传》、《史记》的历时比较,探究处所词语位置变换的条件与原因。 通过研究我们发现,(1)古汉语中,处所词语作补语有没有介词为介映射的是特定时代语言的总体面貌和作者的用词习惯,处所词语作补语需不需要介词为介跟谓语动词本身、处所词语本身的特点有极大的关系;(2)古汉语处所词语作补语承载的语义内容很复杂.处所词语作补语在句法上表现为直接与谓语动词相联系,但在语义关系上,其表述的重点却是动作发生时主语、宾语的所在位置或动作行为致使主语、宾语发生的位置变化;(3)古汉语处所词语在句中的位置存在前后变换的情形,有些“(P)+L”愈来愈趋向于位于动词之后,也有些“(P)+L”开始了由动词之后向动词之前的发展变化。 全文共分五部分: 壹 引言 贰 处所词语作补语的句式特点 叁 从语义关系的角度看处所补语 肆 处所词语的位置变换问题 伍 余论

【Abstract】 The location word, a relatively special kind of Chinese noun, can be situated the beginning of the sentence as a subject or adverbial adjuncts, as well as follow the verbs as a complement or object. However, more deep study is made on the former aspect than the later (especially on the location word as complement in classical Chinese) , which is to be thought as the defect of die study on the location word.Based on the ZuoZhuan and ShiJi that are die two typical works in ancient times, the thesis makes overall investigation on the location word as complement appearing in the books, analyses thoroughly theirs sentence pattern, dug deeply dieirs semantic relations and change forms. Then, by comparison the ZuoZhuan with the ShiJi, die thesis tries to explain the condition and die reason of the position changed of die location word.Thereby conclusions are made as follows: first, in classical Chinese, whether the location word as complement is led by preposition mirrors die overall look of the given age and die audior’s habit in writing, and has to do with die feature of die verbs and the location words diemselves. Second, die semantic relation of die location complement is complicated. The location word in grammar links directly with die verbs, though, die position of die subjects and the objects is really a highlight in terms of semantic relations. Third, there are some change happened in die position of die location word, among which some location words have trend to be followed die verbs, while some begin to be situated the front of the verbs as a adverbial adjunct.The thesis is made up of five parts:The first is about die preface.The second is about the sentence pattern of the location word as complementThe diird is about die semantic relation of die location word as complement.The fourth is about the position changed of die location word. The fifth is about the conclusion remained.

【关键词】 处所词语补语状语
【Key words】 the location wordcomplementadverbial adjunct
  • 【分类号】H141
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】173