

【作者】 王宇

【导师】 李力;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 英美法系国家有句著名的法谚:正义不仅要得到实现,而且必须以人们看得见的方式得到实现。为了实现这种“看得见的正义”,警察经常应检察官的要求作为控方证人出庭协助公诉,在某些特殊情况下,警察甚至应被告方的要求出庭充当辩方证人。基于法治至上的观念,法官也有当然的权力传召警察出庭作证。这些国家的警察部门甚至为此制定了详细的作证规则,以便出庭警察遵照执行。由于有健全的法律制度作为保障,身为“法庭仆人”的警察很少拒绝出庭作证,否则他们会受到警察部门或法庭的严厉制裁。 而在我国,警察却很少应检察官的要求出庭协助公诉,法院也没有足够的权威和法律依据要求警察出庭,更不用说辩护方了。但是对于某些案件,警察出庭确是必不可少的。面对这种情况,本文在介绍英美法系国家做法的前提下,深入分析了阻碍我国警察出庭的各种因素,并初步提出了笔者的改进建议,以期法学界能对警察出庭的问题给予更多的关注。

【Abstract】 In Anglo-American countries, there is a famous legal maxim : Justice must not only be done , but must be seen to be done . In order to realize this sort of "visible justice", police often appear in court as prosecuting witness to give assistance to public prosecution at the request of the public prosecutor . In some special cases , police even enter an appearance as defense witness to provide testimony . Based on the thought of superiority of the rule of law , Judges also have the right to summon police to court to provide evidence . Because there are sound legal systems to support , police , as "the public servant of the court", seldom refuse to appear in court . Otherwise , they will be seriously punished by a certain police department or by the court .But in our country , police hardly appear in court to assist public prosecution at the request of the public prosecutor , Judges also have not enough authority and legal grounds to summon police to court , let alone the defense party . But in some certain cases , it is indispensable for police to enter an appearance . Facing this situation , firstly , the thesis will introduce the Anglo-American countries’ practice on the problem ; secondly , the thesis will analyze some interrelated factors that hinder Chinese police to appear in court and provide some improving advice in order that circle of law can pay more attention to this issue .

【关键词】 警察出庭证人作证
【Key words】 PoliceAppear in courtWitnessTestify
  • 【分类号】D915.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】240