

【作者】 邢江宁

【导师】 宋如顺;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 运筹学与控制论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在过去的十年中,利用堆栈溢出漏洞进行攻击已成为网络攻击的主要方式之一。堆栈溢出指的是一种系统攻击的手段,通过往程序的堆栈写超出其长度的内容,造成堆栈的溢出,使程序转而执行其它指令,以达到攻击的目的。 在理论上存在三类方法检测堆栈溢出:不允许用超长的输入参数覆盖返回地址;允许返回地址被覆盖,但不允许控制流转向非授权的用户;允许控制流转向非授权的用户,但不允许其可执行代码被运行。 作者提出利用前帧指针检测堆栈溢出的方法即FPW(Frame Pointer Watcher)。FPW用Usu Prefrm和Jmp Prefrm两个不同的监视区来记录两类函数调用所形成的帧的前帧指针。与Stack Guard和RAD相比,FPW具有同样程度的安全性、占用更少的内存空间、减少进程意外终止的可能性和更好的运行效果等优点。

【Abstract】 In the past ten years , stack overflow has become one of most common attacks . Smashing stack is a kind of systemly attack ,which usually write overlong contents in application frame in order to change the control flow to invader.Three means exists in current defencing the overrun of stack: overwriting contents in stack with too long arguments is not allowed ; overwriting is allowed but unauthorized change of control flow is not allowed; change of control flow is allowed but execution of injected code is prevented.We detect stack overflow by monitoring the Previous Frame Pointer. Such comes the tool FPW(Frame Pointer Watcher). It uses different zones named Usu-Prefrm Zone and Jmp-Prefrm Zone to record changing of the Previous Frame Pointer in stack . Compared with Stack Guard and RAD , FPW has more efficent performance, same safety and less memory cost.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】56