

Construction for Web-based Area Education Management Information System

【作者】 殷雅竹

【导师】 郑铿;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对区域教育管理信息系统的内容构成和建设方法进行了全面的阐述,提出了一套完整的解决方案。区域教育管理信息系统应当定位于三种功能;信息交流中心、网络教育活动管理中心和常规教育管理中心。根据服务对象的不同,区域教育管理信息系统可以划分为教育管理者模块、教师模块、学生模块和家长模块,它们在三种功能的统辖下构成一个紧密联系的整体。区域教育管理信息系统不是单纯的教育管理者手中的工具,而是全新的教育模式载体,是体现自治管理、开放交流的网络文化的信息化环境。 构建区域教育管理信息系统,要综合使用结构化、原型构造和面向对象的开发方法。建设过程中要注意:教育者的深入参与、建立一套系统生长运营机制、以应用作为建设标准、建设使用与学习过程统一和系统开发的规范化管理。区域教育管理信息系统的建设可以遵循四个步骤:准备工作、方案设计和可行性论证、系统具体建设、系统维护与发展。

【Abstract】 The thesis expatiates on the content structure and the constructional method of Area Educational Management Information System(AEMIS), puts forward a complete set of solving project. The author consider, AEMIS should orient on three functions: Information communication center, Network education management center and Conventional education management center. Based on the different service object, AEMIS can be plotted out education governor module, teacher module, student module and householder module, which were contacted tightly as the whole by three functions. AEMIS is not only a tool used by educational management, but also a fire-new carrier of educational module. And it is informational environments incarnate the network culture which represents autonomy management and opening communion.Structured development, Prototype development, Object Oriented development are three methods needed to be used multipurpose to construct AMIS. In the course of construction, there are several terms should be noticed, which are pedagogue’s deeply participating, a set of development and running mechanism % looking on application as construction standard, unifying construction using and learning, standardizing management about system development. AEMIS construction can follow four steps which are preparation, project design and feasibility argumentation, system concretely construction, system maintenance and development.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】375