

The Analyses of the Present Situation of Chinese Female Pole Vaulting and the Research about the Corresponding Strategies

【作者】 王强

【导师】 孙兴岱;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 女子撑竿跳高运动最早产生于第九届现代奥运会后,芬兰女子选手创造了第一个女子撑竿跳高成绩。后来,由于人们对女子从事这一项目的偏见性和局限性,女子撑竿跳高项目被取消了。二十世纪八十年代初,撑竿跳高运动再次兴起。 我国是开展女子撑竿跳高运动较早的国家之一。这一项目最早始于1986年冬。1987年6月24日-7月13日,在广东省汕头市举行了首届全国女子撑竿跳高集训比赛。这届比赛的最好成绩是3.60米,这个成绩不仅超过了当时亚洲最好成绩59厘米(原亚洲最好成绩是3.01米,日本运动员创造),还超过了美国运动员艾德瓦丝1983年7月23日在夫奥特维创造的3.59米的世界最好成绩。据统计,我国女子撑竿跳高从起步到1995年期间,其水平在国际田坛上一直处于绝对领先地位。从1987年至1995年世界最好成绩全部是由中国女子运动员创造的,而且每年成绩平均增长幅度是0.08米,这一时期可称为中国女子撑竿跳高运动的辉煌时期,但自1995年以来,随着国际业余田径联合会正式设立该项目的世界纪录,世界各国竞相利用自身原有的田径基础和先进的科学技术,大力发展女子撑竿跳高运动,特别是许多体育强国,如德国、澳大利亚、美国等纷纷涌现出一批女子撑竿跳高运动员。我国女子撑竿跳高运动的世界领先地位便受到了冲击,在此项目上的优势已经不复存在,运动成绩也与世界纪录的差距越来越大,运动技术与先进的技术相比日益落后,女子撑竿跳高运动面临诸多亟待解决的问题和困难。 造成我国女子撑竿跳高运动由盛至衰的原因是多方面的。为了使我国女子撑竿跳高运动能更快地提高成绩,迅速赶上并进入世界先进行列。从宏观因素出发,我们对我国女子撑竿跳高的现状进行了调查研究,以期找出我国女子撑竿跳高停滞不前的原因,并提出一些合理化的建议和对策,这对我国女子撑竿跳高运动的发展将具有一定的科学指导意义。 本文采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、比较法、数理统计和文献资料相结合的研究方法,对我国女子撑竿跳高队伍、教练员后备力量状况以及运动技术现状进行了调查研究,最后得出的结论和对策是: 1.目前,我国女子撑竽跳高运动正处于滑坡阶段,而且与世界优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员的水平差距越来越大,造成这一现状的原因是多方面的,要从宏观和微观两方面入手来改变这一现状。 2.通过对我国女于撑竿跳高这一运动项目的现状分析,我们发现目前存在下列问题:专业 女子撑竿跳高队伍规模偏小,且分布不均衡,运动员的启始训练年龄普遍较大,后备力量严重 不足:一半以上的教练员处于提高期,学历水平整体偏低;运动员助跑技术不规范,起跳时水掩 平速度损失较大,体操水平低,腾越高度小。 3.发展对策:针对撑竿跳高项目特点,加强科学选材工作,大力培养后备人才;增加经济 投入,增设场地器材、创造良好的外部环境,改变“师徒沿袭”传统,促进教练员之间的交流 和培训工作,提高教练员的执教水平:广泛大力普及,开展多种形式的女子撑竿跳高比赛;提 高技术水平,加强科学训练工作。

【Abstract】 Female pole vaulting first came into being after the ninth modern Olympics. Female pole vaulter in Finland set up the first female record. Later female pole vaulter was canceled as the result of people’s prejudice and limitation to female taking part in the event .In the early 1980’s, female pole vaulting prospered again.China is one of the countries which developed the event of Female Pole Vaulting earlier. The event began in winter, 1986. We held the first national female pole vaulting match in Shantou city of Guangdong province from June 24th to July 13th, 1987.The best record of the match was 3.60 meters, which was mot only higher than the best record in Asian by 59 centimeters(The original best record of Asia was 3.01 meters which was set up by Japanese athlete.) but also higher than the best world record 3.59 meters, made by Aderwais in American on July 23th, 1983. According to statistics, the level of our female pole vaulting was always in the absolute leading superiority in the international track field from the beginning to 1995. The best records were all created by our female pole vaulters and the average increasing scope was 0.08 meter per year from 1987-1995 which was called the splendid period of our female pole vaulting. But the International Amateur Athletic Federation set the world record of this event in 1995.Since then many countries have devoted to the development of the Female Pole Vaulting on the basis of their own athletic foundations and advanced science and technology. Thus sprang them many excellent athletes in this event especially those countries like Germany, Austria and the U.S.A. They severely impacted the leading position in the world of our country, as a result, the leading superiority of our country was no longer in existence. The gap between our records and the world records became larger and larger. Compared with the advanced techniques, the technique is gradually falling behind. Therefore, we are facing many problems and difficulties that need to be solved.There are many reasons leading to the decline of our level from the prosperity. In order to raise the records of female pole vaulting faster, enable us to keep up with and rank among the worldsmost advanced countries. From the respect of macroscopic factors, we make research into our present situation of female pole vaulting, in order to frind the causes of the decline of our female pole vaulting and offer rational suggestion and tactics, This will produce scientific theory meaning for our female pole vaulting development.I have made some researches into the athlete forces, reserve forces of the coaches and the present level of our techniques by questionnaire, comparion, statistics, materials and interviewing the professionals. Finally, I drew the conclusion and the corresponding strategies as falling:1 .At present, we are at the stage of decline in the female pole vaulting. The gap between our athletes and the most elite athletes in the world becomes larger and larger. There are various reasons bringing about this kind of situation. We should change it from both the macro way and the micro way.2.By the analyses of the present situation of our female pole vaulting, we found these problems as following: First, the scale of the professional teams is relatively small and distributes imbalance. Our athletes begin to practice later than the athletes in other countries, and the reserve forces are severely in scarcity. Second, the educational level of coaches in all is relatively low. more than half of them need to be improved. The run-up technique does not conform to the standard completely. Third, larger losses in horizontal speed during take-off, backward in gymnastics, smaller in jumping over height.3.The corresponding strategies of development: First, we should pay more attention to the work of material-choosing according to the character of pole vaulting, and cultivate reserve forces energetically. Second, we should invest more funds to offer better courts, equipment and better training pattern of "follow

  • 【分类号】G823.2
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