

【作者】 鲍庆军

【导师】 宗振吉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 自80年代以来,随着我国教育改革的逐步深化,为进一步培养适应社会发展需要的现代化人才,推动素质教育的发展,许多体育专业教师以现代教学理论为指导,引进国外的先进教学思想和方法,开始进行篮球教学改革的研究和实验,并取得了可喜的成果。本文在总结前人研究的基础上,对体育系篮球普修课进行了分层教学模式的实验研究,目的在于对学生更好地进行因材施教,提高篮球普修课的教学质量。本文内容主要包括以下四个部分:导论,研究方法,实验结果与实验过程的控制和实验分析。 实施素质教育,既是基础教育改革的必然趋势,也是基础教育改革的主要内容和目标,是进行基础教育改革的时代主题。导论部分首先从当前进行的素质教育入手,系统阐述了素质教育的三个特性,即主体性、全体性和全面性,并指出传统的体育教学在这三个特性中存在的不足,以作为本次教学实验的努力方向。然后综述了我国进行篮球教学模式的改革的重要成果,这其中主要有以认知科学教学理论为指导的指导发现教学摸式和掌握学习教学模式;以行为科学教学理论为指导学导式程序教学模式;还有以社会科学教学理论为指导的合作学习教学模式等。这些教学理论与实践为我们进行分层教学模式的实验提供了许多经验,对其优点我们要发扬,对其不足则要进行改正。 本文运用了文献综述法、数理统计法、专家咨询法和实验法四种研究方法。 在实验中,我们首先确定了分层教学模式的主旨为“主体参与,分层指导,及时反馈,整体提高”。然后根据不同层次班级的学生分别采用了相应的教学方法,根据各自授课班教学对象的不同,制定相应的教学目 9 J泳hsk多。。、_。。。。。_。。。。、。 标,安排合理的教学内容,制订不同的教案,以适合各班不同层次学生的.特点和需要,对学生进行区别对待,因材施教。 实验结柬后,通过对实验组与对照组的技术和理论成绩进行统计分 析,发现实验组的成绩要好于对照组,两者之间存在显著的差异,实验取 得了较好的效果。然后我们对实验进行了理论分析。分层教学模式的主旨 是其理论基础包括五个方面:即国内外关于分层教学的理论,学习动机理 论,因材施教理论,学生主体理论和信息反馈调节理论。通过对各种理 论的详细阐述,指出这些理论对进厅教学实验的指导作用,并将理论应用 到教学的实践中,以指导教学。分祈证明,分层教学能更好地对学生进行 区别对待,因材施教,使全体学生都能得到充分的发展,从而提高了班级 的整体水平。

【Abstract】 Since 80 ages, along with the development of educational reform in our country, for further cultivate the modern talented person who be required for the society, and push the development of the character education, many athletics teachers that regarded modern teaching theories as the leading and based on the advanced teaching thoughts and methods from abroad to begin to proceed basketball reform in education research, and obtained good result. According to the foundation of past, we had practiced the experiment of the delaminate to teach to the general lesson of basketball in athletics department, our purpose lied in better proceeding teach according to there ability of students and increasing the teaching quantity of general basketball lesson. The content of this text includes four parts primarily: Introduction, the method of research, the result of experiment and the analysis of experiment.Carried the characteristic education into execution is not only the inevitable trend of the basic education reform, but also the main contents and target of the basic education reform, it is the topic of the basic education reform the times. The part of introduction first from the characteristic education commence that was proceeding,discussed three characteristics of the characteristic education systematically , the three characteristics were the character of principal part ^ collectivity and whole. We pointed out the traditional lack that exists in these three characteristics, then used the lack as the diligent direction that experiment of this teaching. Then we summarized the important results on the reformation of basketball’ s teaching mode in our country, among them included primarily the teaching mode of directive to discover and the mode of held to learning which were instructed by theperceive science teaching; the teaching mode of learning to direct which regarded the theories of the behavioral science as instruction; and with the teaching mode of cooperate to learn which be instructed by the teaching of the social science etc..We fond out its advantage and lack from these results of the teaching, as to it’s advantage we want to develop, and as to it’s the lack then want to proceed to correct.we used four kinds of researches which include the method of cultural overview , statistics , consulted to experts and experiment in this text 0In the experiment, we made sure the teaching’ s subject which is " principal part to attend, delaminate to guide, on time to feedback and the whole increase". Then we had according to the different level of structure class to adopt different teaching mode respectively, and according to different object of teaching to establish respective targets, arrange reasonable content of course, establish the different teaching plan, with suit the characteristics of the each different level of structure student with need, and carry through distinct treatment to students, and to teach according to there abilities.when the experiment was ended , we had the statistic analysis to the score of the technique and theory to experimental group and controllable group, and discovered that score of the experimental group was better to the controllable group , there was distinct difference between the two groups. The experiment obtained the good result.Then we had put up the analysis of theories to experiment. The foundation of its theories includes five aspects: Namely domestic and international theories concerning delaminate to teach, motive of learning , teach according to his ability, student is the principal part and the theories of the feedback according to the information.Pass to the detailed everykind of theories, we pointed out these theories s direction to the experiment through detailed in every kind of theory, and apply to the theories in the teaching’s fulfillment, then to guide the teaching.The experiment proved that teaching of delamination not only can proceed to distinct to treat, into practice the teaching according to his ability , also can make all students get to dev

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