

【作者】 李红霞

【导师】 曹明海;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文所说的语文教学主体,特指“教”的主体,即语文教师。语文教师必须具备多方面的、良好的素质才能胜任教育教学工作,这些素质不只包括知识、技能素质,还应包括情感等心理素质。但长期以来,教育界对语文教师素质的研究多偏重于对教师的知识、能力及认知技能、技巧等方面的要求,相对忽略了个体的情感层面,忽略了对教师情感素质的要求,这在一定程度上引发了一系列的教育、教学问题。为了解决这一问题,本文试图从语文学科的特点出发,着眼于其中的情感因素,借鉴心理学领域的研究成果——“情感智慧”说,对教学主体必备的情感智慧素质作了探讨。 全文共分四部分:语文教学主体情感智慧的内涵、情感智慧的构成、情感智慧的功能与情感智慧的培养。这四个部分前后相承,环环相扣,或重在理论阐释,或重在实践引路,对语文教学主体的情感智慧作了多角度、全方位的探究和审视。 本文在分析、借鉴了沙洛维等人的观点后,对教学主体情感智慧的内涵进行了崭新的界定。认为语文教学主体的情感智慧就是指在教学过程中语文教师所体现出的情感能力。具体而言即指语文教师从教育使命、学科特色出发,着眼于语文教学中的情感因素(包括师生的情感和语文教材中所蕴含的丰富情感),运用一定的理性认知去准确地理解情感、贴切地表达情感、恰当地调控情感,以及理智地处理教师本人与学生之间以及学生与学生之间的情感关系,并对情感加以利用的能力。在明确了语文教学主体情感智慧的内涵及其主体性特征后,提出了情感智慧是语文教师必备的素质这一论点。该论点的提出主要基于以下两个方面:一是时代的呼唤。21世纪所需要的人才应是一种情智双全的人才,要培养这样的人才,教师无疑首先应具备较高的情感智慧,成为一个情智双全的人。二是语文学科特色的要求。语文不论从教学双方、教学目标还是从教学内容来看都具有很强的情感性,语文教师要想搞好语文教学就必须处理 论 语 文 教 学 主 体 的 情 感 智g 好一系列的情感问题,即必须具备一定的情感智慧。 情感智慧作为一种综合的情感能力,其构成因素是多维多层的,为了论述哉-‘—一一””””’”—一”””—””—”””-’””””—”“”‘————”——””””””—”一 方便,我们从操作维度进行分析,认为语文教学主体的情感智慧主要由以下几 方面构成。一是情感理解力。情感理解力就是指对他人情感的释读与理解能力。 从对象的角度分析,语文教学主体的情感理解力主要指理解学生情感的能力和 理解教材情感的能力。二是倩感表达力。情感表达力就是指通过一定的方式将 自己体会到的情感表达出来,激发学生情感的能力。在语文教学中表达情感时, 应不拘一格,根据课文各自的情感基调,采用不同的方式。三是情感调控力。 情感调控力就是指有意识地对情感进行控制的能力,即沙洛维等人所说的管理 自身和他人情绪的能力。语文教学主体一定要通过自我观察、自我分析、自我 评价、自我克制、自我激励等方法调节好自己的情绪,切不可把个人感情带入 课堂。对学生情感的调控可采用多种方法,其效果的取得最终取决于学生情感 的自控水平。因此,教师应帮助学生学会调节、控制自己的情感,培养他们的吵 情感自控能力。 语文教学是一个由多重要素组成的有机系统,而评价其效能的尺度主要是 学生的发展与否,因而本文从学生发展的角度,对语文教学主体倩感智慧的多 重功能展开论述。首先,语文教学主体情感智慧的运用能够增强学生的生存能 力。在语文教学中,教学主体运用一定的情感智慧处理好语文教学中的各种情 感问题,尤其是学生的情感问题,让学生经常处于良好的情感状态,不仅有助 于增进学生的身心健康,还有利于促进个体同他人保持和谐的人际关系,这些 都无疑增加了学生的生存筹码。其次,语文教学主体情感智慧的运用能够促进 学生的认知发展。语文教学中良好情感智慧的运用,不仅有利于发挥情感的动 力功能提高学生的学习积极性,还可以发挥惰感的调节功能,优化学生的感知 觉、记忆、思维等认知过程,提高学生的学习效率。同时,由于情感因素的介+——””—’一‘—”“””“”““一”—”~’—‘—”““-“—一””“-“”—“’”““—“””“”’ 入,学生的认知发展己由单纯的知识经验的积累过程,提升为知识和能力同时 H z

【Abstract】 In this article, the Chinese teaching subject specially refers to the Chinese teacher. It is well known that the quality of the teacher has a great effect on the education level, so the Chinese teacher should have a wide variety of good qualities. But on the research of the teachers’ quality, we have always pay more attention to the Chinese teacher’s knowledge, ability and cognition skill than the individual emotion. That has caused series of education problems. In order to attempting to solve them, the article elaborates the Chinese teacher’s emotional intelligence on a base of the characteristics of Chinese and the new fruits in psychologic field.The article involves four aspects: the intrinsic meaning of the emotional intelligence of the Chinese teaching subject, as well as its constitution, functions, and cultivation. These four aspects are closely connected, stressing on theoretical explanation, or practice, and providing a multi-angle, all-sides research and observation of the optimizing of the Chinese teaching subject’s emotional intelligence.After analysing the viewpoints of Salovey et al., we bring forward our own opinion that the emotional intelligence of the Chinese teaching subject means the Chinese teacher’s emotional abilities expressed in the course of teaching. Concretely it refers to the abilities of understanding, expressing, controlling the emotion correctly and dealing well with the emotional relations between the teacher and the students. Having understood the intrinsic meaning and the subjective characteristics of the emotional intelligence of the Chinese teaching subject, we advance an argument that the emotional intelligence is the essential quality of the Chinese teacher. It bases on two aspects. Firstly, it responds the call of the era. Talented persons in 21st century must be those who have both emotional ability and intelligence, so the teacher should become a man of this kind first. Secondly, it represents the characteristics of Chinese. The Chinese curriculum is emotional one because of the contents, targets and the both sides of teaching, so the Chinese teacher must have emotional intelligence if he wants to improve the teaching quality.As a kind of comprehensive emotional ability, emotional intelligence is multi-dimension and in tiers. In order to elaborating conveniently, we analyse the constitution of the emotional intelligence of the Chinese teaching subject from the manipulative dimension and consider that it mainly has the following several aspects. Firstly, the emotion comprehension ability. It means percipience of and understanding the emotion of others, both students and writers in the Chinese teaching. Secondly, the emotion expression ability. It means expressing one’s own feeling about something distinctly to motivate the students’ consonance. When expressing his emotion in class, the teachers should adopt different expressive ways according to the diverse texts. Thirdly, emotion control ability. It means controlling the emotion consciously, that is the management of the teachers’ emotion and the students’ emotion as Salovey et al. ever said. The Chinese teaching subject must adjust his own emotion well and can’t bring his own emotion into the classroom by self-observing, self-analyzing, self-assessing, self-restraining, and self-encouraging. Though the adjustment of the students’ emotion may adopt varied ways, the final effectiveness of modulating the students’ emotion depends on the students’ control level. For this mean, the teachers should help their students control and adjust their own emotion so that the students’ emotion self-controlling abilities can be cultivated.The functions of the Chinese teaching subject’s emotional intelligence are versatile. The effectiveness of the teaching system depends on the progress of the students. So we should approach the topic from the students’ angle. The multi-kind functions of the Chinese teaching subject’s emotional intelligence mainly embody the influence and effect on

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