

A Study on the Present Conditions and Countermeasures of Excellent Female Trampoline Athletes’ Technical Training in China

【作者】 刘建生

【导师】 陈俊钦; 张涵劲; 朱昌义;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用文献资料法、调查法、观察测量法、数理统计法和比较法等研究方法,对我国优秀女子蹦床运动员技术水平、技术训练的依据、技术训练的内容与方法、技术训练的计划与调整、技术训练的反馈与评价和技术训练课的特征等现状进行综合分析并提出相应对策,旨在为现阶段我国优秀女子蹦床运动员技术训练提供有益参考,为我国蹦床运动训练的系统研究起添砖加瓦作用。研究结果表明:经过近4年的艰苦训练,我国已经培养了一批运动技术水平较高的女子蹦床运动员,初步具备与世界蹦床运动强手竞争的实力;经过近4年的探索,教练员对蹦床技术训练有了初步的认识,并摸索出一些有效的技术训练方法。但我国优秀女子蹦床运动员技术训练尚处于探索起步阶段,技术训练实践仍存在许多薄弱环节,如蹦床技术训练的理论尚未形成,教练员只能依靠项群训练理论指导和移植借鉴其它项目技术训练理论指导蹦床的技术训练:教练员对蹦床运动技术训练的规律认识不足,缺乏蹦床技术训练的切身体验和执教经验,技术训练科学化程度较低;运动员个别基本技能和基本技术相对薄弱,高难动作发展数量不足,不具备自主创新的能力等等。这些都是阻碍我国优秀女子蹦床运动员技术训练向更高层次发展的不利因素,必须尽快消除。因此,现阶段,我国优秀女子蹦床运动员技术训练应该坚持以质量为前提,适时发展难度的指导思想,快速稳妥地提高我国优秀女子蹦床运动员运动技术的整体水平;必须总结蹦床技术训练的经验教训,加强蹦床技术训练理论的研究,尽快建立符合我国蹦床技术训练特点的训练理论,为蹦床技术训练向更高层次发展提供科学的理论指导;必须加强教练员的培训工作,提高教练员整体的执教水平;必须重视基本技术的训练研究,加大基本技术训练的力度,尽快提高我国优秀女子蹦床运动员基本技术水平,为我国女子蹦床运动总体水平的提高提供坚实的基础;应认真研究动作间连接的科学性,合理地尽可能多地将高难动作引入成套动作中,从而提高成套动作的难度值;应不失时机地进行组合动作训练,提高运动员的连接能力;必须加强专项身体素质训练,提高蹦床技术训练效果,预防运动员局部运动损伤。

【Abstract】 Research ways such as documental data, investigation, observational measurement, mathematical statistics and comparative law have been adopted in this article. This article synthetically analyses the present conditions of excellent female trampoline players in our country, for example, sportsmen’s technical level, technical training basis, technical training plan and adjustment, technical training feedback and evaluation, training class features. Relevant countermeasures are also put forward. The aim is to provide beneficial reference for technical training of sportsmen in our country and help systematic research of trampoline in our country.Study results prove that a batch of female trampoline players with higher sport technical level are trained after a four-year hard training. We initially have the strength of competition with the world excellent players. Coaches had a basic understanding to trampoline technical training and felt for a lot of effectual technical training methods after four-year explore. But technical training of female trampoline players in our country is still in exploring. There are many weaknesses in technical training practice. For example, coaches have to direct it according to the Event-group Training Theory or use or transplant technical training theory of other courses, for theory of trampoline technical training hasn’t come into being. Rulers of the training haven’t been known enough by coaches. They are lack of their own experiences and teaching experience of this training. Level of scientifically technical training is lower. Basic skills and technique of individual sportsmen are relatively weak. The number of exceedingly difficult movements hasn’t been developed enough. They haven’t abilities of independent innovations and so on. All of these factors stop sportsmen’s technical training in our country from growing into a better degree. They should be got rid of at once.So at present, the training should take quality as premise and develop difficulties as guiding ideology timely and quickly. It should fast and stably improve sportsmen’s whole level of sport technique. The experiences and lessons this training must be summarized. Study of trampoline technical training theory must be strengthened. We must set training theory accord with the demands of our country’s training features as soon as possible and provide scientific theory direction of the higher level growing of training. Coaches’ training must be increased and their whole teaching level must be improved. We should pay more attention to the study and training of basic technique and enlarge basic technique training. The basic technical level of trampoline sportsmen should be enhanced as soon as possible and it provides solid basic for the enhancement of sportsmen’s general degree. We must carefully study connection between actions and properly lead exceedingly difficult movements into a set of movements as quickly as we can. And so improve difficulties of the set of movements. Combined movements training should be underway timely and sportsmen’s connecting ability must be improved. Specialized body quality training should be reinforced. We should also improve effect of trampoline technical training and prevent sportsmen’s part of sport harm.

【关键词】 中国高水平女子蹦床运动技术训练
【Key words】 Chinaexceeding levelWomentrampolinetechnical training
  • 【分类号】G838
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