

Strip Mill Real-time Simulation Based on OpenGL

【作者】 张晓丽

【导师】 孔祥东;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 冷连轧机基于参数模型的仿真技术对于优化轧制规程,提高设备使用效率,指导新机型设计具有重要意义,而仿真过程的可视化为设备仿真结果的形象化提供了基础。本文在研究冷连轧机及其液压AGC系统构成的基础上,在Windows98下以VisualC++6.0为软件开发平台,采用OpenGL三维图形库开发标准来实现冷连轧机视觉仿真模拟。 冷连轧机轧制实时仿真系统主要内容有:冷连轧机系统参数输入模块;单轧机轧制视觉仿真模块;冷连轧机轧制实时仿真模块;冷连轧机轧制过程模拟模块;人机交互模块;数据库设计模块。本文阐述了各模块的原理及实现。 冷连轧机轧制过程实时仿真系统是采用ODBC(Open DatabaseConnectivity,开放数据库连接)数据技术来实现实时仿真。三维实体造型应用计算机图形技术中的标准语言——OpenGL(Open Graphic Library)三维实体造型技术,在VisualC++6.0中利用ODBC数据库技术动态调用MicrosoftAccess中的数据作为仿真的后台数据。同时又作为图形库中函数的参数值来实现板带、轧辊、焊机、卷机等图形,并利用光照,消隐和融合技术达到仿真的真实性。 本课题通过计算机图形技术描绘冷连轧轧制过程中轧制力的跟踪曲线,比较直观地反映了在轧制的全过程中为获得目标厚度对轧机压下装置的操作。 仿真系统界面清晰、简单、友好、易用,能够虚拟冷连轧机轧制过程的视觉效果并适用于不同轧机系统的远程观察使用。

【Abstract】 The simulation technology of strip mill is significant for optimizing the rolling regulation and improving the efficiency on the parameter module. The symbolization result based on the visualization of the simulation program. Thepaper presents the software system of strip mill real-time simulation based on OpenGL, the research of strip mill and the hydraulic AGC. The software system uses Visual C++ 6.0 as its O.S. in the Chinese Windows98.The strip mill real-time simulation system includes six parts: the module of input and output; the module of vision simulation for a rolling mill; the module of strip mill real-time simulation; the module of rolling process simulation; the module of people computer interface; the module of database design. The paper introduces the principle and implement of all modules.The software system uses ODBC technology to implement real-time simulation. The module of 3D model design for strip mill real-time simulationadopts the standard language of graphic technology------OpenGL(OpenGraphic Library) three-dimensional entity model. The software system can simulate strip mill rolling process using ODBC in the Visual C++ 6.0 to transfer Microsoft Access for background data. The strip, roller, welding machine and rolling machine based on the data. It is realized on the lighting, hiding and mixing.The software system traced out curve of cold rolling pressure using computer graphics, directly show the operating process of control the aim thickness of strip.The software system holds friendly user interface. It can reflect vision simulation of the rolling process. It adapts deferent mill system for observing.

【关键词】 实时仿真轧制过程OpenGL面向对象ODBC
【Key words】 real-time simulationrolling processOpenGLOOPODBC
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG334.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】194