

Research on Assessment of Expressway Asphalt Pavement Condition and Maintenace Method

【作者】 李爱军

【导师】 李艳春;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 结构工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从解决高速公路沥青路面养护管理水平低这一实际问题出发,对高速公路沥青路面状况调查评价及养护选择进行了研究,全文共分六章。第一章绪论,提出了对高速公路沥青路面养护工程管理进行研究的目的和意义,并对近年来国内研究发展概况进行了简单介绍;第二章对高速公路沥青路面路况调查指标进行了分析,将车辙作为一项单独评价指标进行了研究;第三章对高速公路沥青路面使用性能评价方法进行了研究,建立了高速公路路面综合评价模型;第四章对高速公路沥青路面养护对策选择、对策制订原则、养护决策模型进行了研究;第五章建立了高速公路沥青路面评价决策系统,结合河北省京石高速公路路面状况调查指标进行了评价决策;第六章总结全文要点和结论。

【Abstract】 This paper researches on assessment of expressway asphalt pavement condition and suitable maintenance method to improve the current poor management on the maintenance administration .The text includes six sections. The first section is preface, which describes the purpose and importance of this research, and introduces the trend of the development of expressway maintenance in China and abroad in recent years; The second section analyses the index of expressway asphalt condition and makes further research in consideration of the single index-ruttness; The third section researches on the assessment of the expressway asphalt pavement performance, and establishes an model for the full assessment of expressway asphalt pavement; In the fourth section, the decision of maintenance method, the principles of the decision and the maintenance decision model has been studied; The fifth section make out the assessment system on expressway asphalt pavement, and conduct a test on Bejing-Shijiazhuang expressway; The sixth section summarizes main points and make a conclusion of the full text.

【关键词】 高速公路路况评价决策
【Key words】 expressway pavementconditionassessement method
  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】693