

Evaluation of the Current Status of Fertilizer Application in Hebei Province

【作者】 张玲敏

【导师】 马文奇; 张西科;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用农户抽样调查与文献分析相结合的方法对河北省作物施肥技术、养分平衡和氮肥施用的环境问题以及环境教育现状等进行分析和评价。结果表明:①河北省粮食作物产量低,养分投入量偏高,轮作小麦玉米施用肥料分别有63.7%、85.3%、76.9%氮磷钾投于小麦,存在“重冬轻夏”不合理现象。②农户养分分配不合理,尤其在小麦和玉米上。20.2%的调查农户小麦投入氮肥量超过300kg/hm~2,7.0%低于120kg/hm~2,9.9%的农户玉米上氮肥投入量超过300kg/hm~2,16.8%低于120kg/hm~2。磷肥的投入量上,小麦和玉米分别有27.3%和75.9%的农户低于90kg/hm~2,18%和8.5%的高于180kg/hm~2。③化肥品种中氮肥以单质肥为主,磷肥以复合肥为主,钾则主要由有机肥提供。单质氮肥又以碳铵和尿素为主,复合肥以二铵为主。施用方式氮肥以追施为主,尤其是单质氮肥,磷肥和钾肥主要用做基肥。④大棚蔬菜种植中存在施用不经过腐熟的鸡粪,基肥施用量偏高,忽视微肥施用等问题。通过草莓投入有机N和无机N的比例与产量关系估计,有机无机氮比例在1.0~2.0之间更适合草莓生长。⑤河北省调查农户粮食作物间养分平衡存在差异,小谷类的氮素盈余,薯类亏缺,其他作物氮素在合理平衡范围;磷素除小麦盈余外其他的粮食作物都在合理平衡范围;钾素投入除谷类外现在都处于亏缺状态。⑥估算河北省粮食作物的化肥投入量是179.47万吨(纯养分量),其中氮肥121.26万吨,磷肥49.02万吨,钾肥9.19万吨,化肥氮按40%、有机氮按30%损失估算,投入氮素有54.8万吨损失,土壤亏缺氮素2.47万吨,累积磷素17.2万吨,亏缺钾素61.3万吨。河北省粮食作物的氮损失严重、钾养分归还率低,磷的投入过量。⑦河北省轮作小麦玉米施用化肥氮按总损失量估算,损失氮28.3万吨,折合人民币7.2亿,环境风险值是26.0万吨,对260亿吨水有威胁。通过各种损失途径估算损失是26.0万吨纯氮,其中有69.9%是挥发损失,26.4%是淋溶损失,3.7%是硝化和反硝化损失。⑧农民对大量施用氮肥所产生环境问题了解的不足将加剧农业施肥带来的生态环境问题。要求加大农村中小学基础教育中的生态环境教育,同时采取农民最喜欢的电视科教片和专家讲座的知识普及方式普及农业生态环境知识。

【Abstract】 The study evaluated the present situation of fertilizing practice, nutrient balance, the environmental problems those were caused by over applying nitrogen fertilizer and the environmental education by surveyed peasants randomly in Hebei Province of China. The results indicated as following:㏕he general problems were that the yield was low and the fertilizer application was high. At the same time, the distribution of nutrient was unreasonable in the rotation of wheat and maize. Nutrients distributed to wheat were more than those to maize. In the same season, the N, P2Os and K2O were applied to wheat were 63.7% and 85.3% and 76.9% respectively. ㏕he farmer’s fertilizer application was irrational especially in wheat and maize production. There were 20.2% farmers who applied more than 300 kg-hm"2 nitrogen fertilizer in wheat production while 7.0% farmers applied nitrogen fertilizer still less than 120 kg-hm"2, as well in maize production there were 9.9% farmers who applied nitrogen fertilizer more than 300kg-hm"2and 16.8% ones applied still less than 120 kg-hm"2. In wheat and maize production there were 27.3% and 75.9% farmers who applied phosphatic fertilizer less than 90 kg-hm"2 and 18% and 8.5% fanners who applied phosphate fertilizer more than 180 kg-hm"" respectively.甌he single-nitrogen fertilizer was the main types of nitrogen fertilizers, the compound-fertilizer was the main phosphate fertilizer and K2O mainly came from organic fertilizer. The pure-nitrogen fertilizers mainly included ammonium bicarbonate and urea, NP compound fertilizer and azophoska were the main types of compound-fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizer was used as dressing fertilizer especially the pure-nitrogen fertilizer, but phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were used as the basic fertilizer.@Appling no decayed organic matter and excessive basic fertilizer and little micronutrient fertilizer were the general problems of vegetable in the greenhouse. The ratio of N-inorganic and N-organic between 1.0~2.0 was benefit to the growth of strawberry by estimated the ratio and yield of strawberry. ㏕he nutrient balance of food crops was difference in Hebei province. N supply of wheat, bean, and rice was in balance and that of grain was in suplus and that of tubers was in deficit. P20s supply of crops was in balnace except wheat that was in suplus, the potassium balance was in deficit except cereal crop and wheat that was in balance.㏕he fertilizers applied to all food crops was 179,47x104t, including 121.26><104tN, 49.02x104t P2O5 and 9.19xl04t K2O. The quantity of N losses was 54.8xl04t, N and K2O of soil deficit 2.47xl04t and 61.3xl04t respectively and soil accumulated 17.2x 1041 P2O5.@The value of losses nitrogen in wheat and maize rotational field was 28.3x104t, be equivalent to ?.2* 10*. The value of environmental risk was7026. Oxl04t that would pollute 260*108t water. The total nitrogen loss by volatilization, NOs’-N leakage and nitrification-denitrification was 26.0 X104 t, of which 69.9% was by volatilization, 26.4% was by NO3"-N leakage and 3.7% by nitrification-denitrification. ?The phenomenon that farmers have not enough knowledge of fertilizer and environment increased the environmental problems which caused by applying fertilizer. So it is necessary to strengthen the education of ecology environment in rural senior and middle school and propagate the knowledge of ecology environment by popular science film and professorship of expert.

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