

Studies on Inheritance of Starch Quality Traits in Wheat and Their Relations to Bread Baking Quality

【作者】 杜朝

【导师】 杨学举; 刘桂茹; 张彩英;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选用245份国内外小麦种质资源,分析了其直链淀粉含量、膨胀势、降落值及与沉淀值和农艺性状的相关关系;选用6个小麦亲本材料,按照Griffing方法Ⅱ组配了一套双列杂交组合,研究了直链淀粉含量、膨胀势的配合力、杂种优势和遗传力;选用6个小麦品种分别在4个地点种植,研究了直链淀粉含量和膨胀势与环境的关系。结果表明: 1、直链淀粉含量与沉淀值呈显著负相关,膨胀势与沉淀值呈极显著正相关,表明面包烘烤品质与淀粉性状有关。降落值与沉淀值相关不显著,说明α-淀粉酶在液化淀粉时对直链和支链淀粉的作用速度无明显差别,不反映材料间淀粉性状的差异,分析降落值应与面包评分直接联系。 2、我国小麦种质资源的直链淀粉含量主要集中于22%~30%,膨胀势主要集中于7~9。供试国外种质资源的直链淀粉含量主要集中于180%~24%,膨胀势主要集中于7~11。就淀粉品质性状而言,国外材料明显均优于国内种质资源。 3、直链淀粉含量、膨胀势与株高、穗长、小穗数和千粒重等农艺性状均相关不显著,通过合理组配亲本和正确选择,可望获得淀粉品质性状优良并且具有良好农艺性状的品种,实现高产和优质的结合改良。 4、杂交组合间的直链淀粉含量和膨胀势的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均达极显著水平,它们的一般配合力方差均大于特殊配合力方差,一般配合力效应值与亲本效应值的秩次基本一致。直链淀粉含量和膨胀势的狭义遗传力较低,应在杂交育种高代进行选择。杂交组合的直链淀粉含量表现出较明显的正向平均优势,倾高亲遗传。膨胀势在杂交组合中主要表现为负向平均优势,倾低亲遗传。 5、环境对直链淀粉含量和膨胀势均有较大影响,其中直链淀粉含量的环境变异与基因型变异比较接近,膨胀势的基因型变异大于环境变异,在总变异中起主要作用。改良淀粉品质性状应把新品种的选育和科学的栽培措施结合起来。 6、膨胀势与沉淀值的相关大于直链淀粉与沉淀值的相关,受环境影因素响更小,研究烘烤品质时,以膨胀势作为反映淀粉品质的指标优于直链淀粉含量。

【Abstract】 245 wheat germplasm materials were used to study the correlation betweenamylose content, swelling power, falling number and Zeleny sedimentation value, agronomic traits. A set of diallel crosses involving 6 wheat parents, according to the model of Griffing Methods II ,was made to investigate the combining ability , heterossis, heritabiliry of amylose content and swelling power. 6 wheat cultivars growing in 4 locations were used to study the relation between amylose content, swelling power and environment.The results indicated that (1) the negative correlation between amylose content and Zeleny sedimentation value was significant; the positive correlation between swelling power and Zeleny sedimentation value extremely significant. The correlation above suggested starch properties affected baking quality. Because no significant correlation between falling number and Zeleny sedimentation could be observed, the falling number , which could not distinguish amylose from amylopectin in hydrolysis, should be investigated together with the bread score.(2) The amylose content and swelling power of domestic germplasm samples mainly distributed between 22% ~ 30% and 7~9 respectively, while the two indexes of the foreign germplasm mainly between 18% ~ 24% and 7~11 respectively. In terms of starch quality for baking bread, the foreign germplasm samples were better than their domestic counterparts.(3) Both amylose content and swelling power did not significantly correlate to such agronomic traits as plant height, spike length, spikelets number of single ear andthousand-kernel weight. It was possible to gain lines with low amylose content, high swelling power, high baking quality, desirable agronomic characters and high yield potential, so high yield and high quality could be harmoniously associated by crossing parents and selecting progeny correctly.(4) For amylose content and swelling power, the effect variance of the general combining ability and the special combining ability were both extremely significant., and the former was larger than the later, moreover, the order of the general combining effect value was in a same trend with the order of parents value. The heretability in the narrow sense of the two indexes were comparably low, so the selection should be conducted at high generation. It is evident that the average heterosis of amylose content was positive in effect, and the heredity of amylose content trended toward high value parent. Most of the average heterosis of swelling power was negative in effect, and the heredity of swelling power trended toward low value parent.(5) Both amylose content and swelling power were obviously affected by environment factors. The environmental variation of amylose content was close to the genetic variation, while the genetic variation, playing a main role in total variation of swelling power, was larger than the environmental variation. Accordingly the starch quality traits could be improved by breeding new varieties and providing desirable cultivation measures.(6) As the index of starch quality, swelling power was superior to amylose content by reason of its higher correlation to Zeleny sedimentation value andlower affection by environment.

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【被引频次】4
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