

Study on the Productive and Ecological Efficiency of Planted Grassland in the Fore Period Settlement for Herdsmen

【作者】 杨华

【导师】 安沙舟; 孟林;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 草业科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在牧区,虽然已经实行了牧民定居,但并未能真正做到农牧结合,草的匮乏仍然严重阻碍着草地畜牧业的发展,并同时仍然使生态环境遭受着严重破坏。本文选择了新疆天山北坡中段具有典型代表性的阿什里哈萨克民族乡,对其草地畜牧业生产系统的草、畜生产情况、能物流流转情况进行了研究,运用能物流高效持续利用原则和线性规划法提出了切实可行的人工饲草料生产子系统的优化配置模式为粮食作物与饲草料作物的二元种植结构,种植比例为粮食作物:饲草料作物=1:2.93,并且,饲料玉米、青贮玉米和苜蓿的优化配置为Sc704、农大86和新牧1号。研究结果表明,系统优化后产生了巨大的生产、生态效能:优化后,全年舍饲的载畜水平大大提高(载畜水平由现行系统的0.39羊单位/hm~2提高到33.58羊单位/hm~2);能量转化效率有所增加(NE/GE、NE/DE分别由现行系统的1.68%、2.60%提高到1.86%、2.89%,分别提高了10.65%、10.87%);农牧业净产出由现行系统的12290432元增加到39612124元,提高了222.30%;人均收入由现行系统的1702元增加到5486元;系统优化后大减轻了放牧对天然草地造成的压力,并且可以显著提高土壤肥力,改善土质(秋季土壤中有机质含量由同年春季的12.3g/kg增加到了19.2g/kg,增长率为56.10%)。

【Abstract】 In the pasturing area, although herdsman have already practiced to settle down, they can not real attain the combination of agriculture and husbandry, the short of grass is still seriously baffling the development of the grassland-husbandry, and still make the ecosystem environment suffer to break seriously at the same time .The research, which was conducted in Ashili Kazak nationl township of Changji City,a typical place of Northern Slope in Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang ,studies the productive condition of forage and livestock, the conversation condition of material and energy, and suggested an optimized model of artificial grassland with the principle of high efficient of energy-material recycle and linear programming. The study shows that after installing the optimized model the system produced tremendous productive and ecological efficiency :The carrying level of whole year housing breeding amount and the energy conversation have been greatly increased(the carrying level increases from 0.43sheep unit/ hm2 to 33.85 sheep unit/ hm2;A: output net energy of animal production/input general energy of concentration ,forage and pasture ,B: output net energy of pasture increase from 1.68% and 2.60% at present to 1.86% and 2.89%, respectively);Personal income increases from ?702 at present to ?486; Reduces the demands for natural grassland resources and protects ecological environment.

  • 【分类号】S812
  • 【被引频次】2
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