

Studies on Character and Mechanism of Ageing of Fragrant Pear Brandy

【作者】 陈计峦

【导师】 冯作山;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 食品科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以库尔勒香梨为原料,经发酵、蒸馏、陈酿而成香梨白兰地酒,试验中对香梨白兰地酒的蒸馏、理化性质进行研究,并对香梨白兰地酒的陈酿及机理进行了研究和探讨。试验中采用氮气吹扫、液氮捕集,并结合气质联用仪定性,鉴定出香梨白兰地酒中香气物质17种;通过加热、低温、加酸、微波等理化方法对酒进行陈酿处理,通过常规分析和大口径毛细管色谱柱定量分析,研究了香梨白兰地在陈酿过程中的理化成份及香气成分变化,确定了各种成份的变化规律及陈酿效果;研究了橡木块处理方法对香梨白兰地品质的影响,研究结果表明,橡木的使用能显著提高香梨白兰地的品质,并确定了橡木块的处理方法、用量、及对香梨白兰地酒成份和品质的影响;通过酒液上气相中酒精浓度与酒陈酿时间的相关性研究,得出两者之有相关性,使我们有可能通过理化测定的方法确定酒的老熟程度。

【Abstract】 Kuerle Fragrant Pear was used as material to obtain Fragrant Pear Brandy by the technology of fermentation ,distillation, ageing. The way of distillation and physical and chemical properties were studied and the mechanism of ageing of brandy was probed into. The qualitative analysis of 17 kinds of brandy aroma was identified through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) by the use of nitrogen and liquid nitrogen frozen capturing. We disposed of brandy by the way of heating , lowering temperature ,microwave and adding different kinds of acid. The change of physical and chemical components and aroma of brandy was researched by routine test and quantitative analysis on major capillary column. The varying law and ageing result of different chemical compositions were determined. After researching the method of handling oak, we found the quality of brandy was notably raised with the use of oak .we determined the way of handling oak , the content of oak and the effect on Fragrant Pear Brandy. We found the interrelation between the alcohol concentration on brandy gas and ageing time. We may determine the ageing degree of liquor through physical and chemical tests.

  • 【分类号】TS262.38
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】589