

Study on the influence of the different dentin on their bond strengths with resin

【作者】 赵三军

【导师】 陈吉华;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 粘接强度测试是评价一种牙本质粘接系统性能的重要方法。在测试实验中,活髓人牙无疑是最好的粘接实验标本,但因为来源受限,所以大部分学者采用离体牙作体外实验。由于在实验中无法完全模拟口腔内生理环境进行粘接性能的测试,并且离体牙随着拔除后时间的延长,其组织结构必然会发生变化,因此离体牙的体外实验测试结果是否可以客观、准确地反映各粘接系统口内实际粘接性能,一直是学者们争论的焦点之一。为了探讨这个问题,对离体、在体牙本质的粘结性能进行对照研究,以寻找能够客观地反映牙本质粘接材料实际粘接效果的评价手段,本研究选择了四种新型牙本质粘接剂,应用微拉伸测试方法和扫描电镜观察,对其与离体、在体不同状态下牙本质的粘接强度进行了比较、分析和粘接界面的微观结构观察,探讨了不同状态下的牙本质对新型牙本质粘接系统性能的影响。 实验结果表明: 1、新型牙本质粘接系统在离体、在体牙本质上粘接处理后的强度和微观结构观察均无显著性差异。本研究证实在口外模仿口内生理、物理环境进行粘接实验适用、可行,离体牙的体外实验测试 第四军医大学硕士学位论文 结果可以真实地反映牙本质粘接系统口内实际粘接效果。 2、三种以丙酮为溶剂的牙本质粘接系统Bond-1、Prime&Bond NT、one{teP 的粘接强度之间在离体、在体牙本质上均无显著性 差异,而它们都明显高于以酒精和水为溶剂的粘接系统Single Bond o 3、新型牙本质粘接系统在口内、外不同牙本质基质上均测得 了较高的粘接强度值,最高微拉伸强度达到了30.Is士2.77Mpa, 具有较好的粘接性能。

【Abstract】 The main method which judges whether an adhesive system works or not is the bonding strength test.Undoubtedly, the vital teeth in human mouth are the best subjects for bonding test. Because collecting the experimental samples is not so easy that most of scholars do their works with extracorporeal teeth. However, it is nearly impossible to simulate oral circumstance completely to test the properties of adhesive materials. On the other hand , once extracted, the teeth would change their properties definitely. So, whether the bond strength tested under in vitro condition indicates the real in vivo amount is always concerned by researchers. In order to compare the adhesive performance between the dentin hi vivo and in vitro, to find a valid way to evaluate the quality and efficacy of adhesive systems, in this disquisition, we studied and compared the microtensile bond strengths and the microstructure under SEM of four recently introduced commercial dentin adhesive systems (SingleBond, Bond-1, Prime&Bond NT and One-Step) applied in both in vitro and in vivo conditions.The results are showed below:1. This study tested the bond strengths of the new adhesive systems under the environments in vivo and in vitro, the data was then analyzed, which showed no significant difference, so the test results of the dentin adhesives experiments in vitro with extracorporeal teeth could indicate then- bond strengths in vivo reliably and actually.2. The results tested on the dentin in vivo and in vitro all showed that the bond strengths of One-Step, Prime&Bond NT and Bond-1 whose solvents are aceton were not significantly different, and were all higher than Single Bond whose solvents are alcohol and water.3. The results showed that the microtensile bond strengths of the new dentin adhesive systems were all high, the highest tested amount is 30.18 ?.77Mpa, which provide their good clinical performance.

  • 【分类号】R781.05
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】140